Learning and Teaching 

Learning & Teaching

Year 1

INQUIRY- How Has Our World Changed?


As a part of their Inquiry unit, Year 1 students have enjoyed exploring how our world has changed. Students have learnt about the evolution of food, fashion and jobs (just to name a few). 


While investigating how schools have changed over time, teachers slipped into the persona of the ‘old school’ educator. They demanded silence, used rulers to gain attention and checked that student nails and shoes were clean. 


Students wrote lines to enforce key learnings, worked silently in rows and perfected the art of marching.


I think we all agree that education has changed for the better!


Year 1 Healy Star Award Recipients


Year 5

Pentecost - Celebrating the Spirit!


Year 5 students have been exploring the deeper meaning behind Pentecost. We have explored the symbols and investigated the ways in which the Holy Spirit continues to have a strong presence in the world around us. Keep an eye out for some letters that might be coming your way (or getting delivered to your child’s other special person) reflecting on how the Holy Spirit lives on within them. God Bless!