Catholic Identity
The Holy Trinity & Corpus Christi
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity is celebrated on the Sunday after Pentecost Sunday. It follows in a series of feast days which begins with Ascension Sunday and ends with Corpus Christi, which is this coming Sunday. The Feast of the Most Holy Trinity celebrates the central mystery of Christian faith and life. In unity, one God the Father who created the world, The Son - Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit who we can see signs and symbols of in our lives. The Holy Spirit who is with us now and who helps us to live as Jesus asks us to. On the Feast of Corpus Christi, celebrated this Sunday, we remember and celebrate the gift of the Eucharist. When we receive the bread at Mass it becomes the bread of life and a part of us in a sacramental and special way. Giving us nourishment and fulfillment to continue to live as Jesus wants - loving, kind, forgiving, sharing our gifts, a full and happy life.
Eternal God,
Draw us deeper into,
The mystery of your being,
Into divine life and love.
Let us know your indwelling Spirit,
The life within us.
May we experience anew,
Your living presence in the Eucharist,
May we be strengthened by your Spirit
Holly Morris - Catholic Identity Leader
Parish Events - St.Mary’s Soup for the Soul
Each Thursday at 12 midday. Our Parish is providing soup meals for those that could do with a warm soup during Winter. This is in conjunction with Echuca Community Coat Drive. If you are interested in donating pots of soup or a warm desert, setting up tables or serving soup - Please contact Carol Purden via email