Discovery Centre

Selamat siang Foundation families!
Can you believe we are one week away from the end of term? This week Foundation participated in an immersion for Term 3's Guided Inquiry unit. On Wednesday, all Foundation classes gathered in the hall and explored all things Shrek! Students made hats, masks, played games, explored the feeling of Shrek's 'swamp' and even built a castle for Princess Fiona. We can't wait to show you what we have planned for Term 3!
In Reading students enjoyed comparing the differences between Fiction and Non-Fiction texts. Students worked together to cut and paste books found in catalogues and decided if they were Fiction or Non-Fiction. We were super proud of their efforts and how they were able to identify features using only the cover of the books.
In Maths we explored the probability of things that "will" and "won't" happen. They used different maths key words to justify their thinking and decided on things that will and won't happen on the weekend. FK decided that they will let their parents sleep in on the weekend and won't see a dinosaur at the park (even though they wished this could happen). We also linked different school and extra curricular activities to days of the week.
Have a great weekend!
Foundation Teachers
Cassie Brisbane, Brooke Henwood, Tegan Kitteringham
- Last day of Term 2 is next Friday 23rd- 2:30pm finish
Student Voice
FK's thoughts on the immersion
Maahir: "I think the Donkey is funny"
Elena: "I like making things"
Lachie: "Playing games was fun"
Elsie: "I like when FK, FB and FH are together"
Pupil of the Week
FB: Nam D
For demonstrating creativity and zest during Guided Inquiry sessions this week. It was great to see your habitat come to life in your diorama
FH: Liam D
For using bravery and perspective when sharing in front of the class this week. You did an excellent job of answering questions about your favourite book and sharing all about you!
FK: James J
For demonstrating a positive attitude towards all learning tasks. You have taken so many risks in your learning.