Inquiry Centre

Selamat Siang! The end of term is quickly approaching. Thank you for your support and involvement during Term 2. We are so proud of our Inquiry Centre students for their hard work and exceptional involvement throughout the term.
This week, we have been exploring summarising non-fiction texts in reading. Students have enjoyed finding out facts about a range of topics including lots of different animals. Students have been working on identifying three facts from their non-fiction texts and sharing them with their classmates.
In writing, we have embarked on another adventure in our classes. This week, we explored an underwater world with students writing a recount about their experiences. Students were encouraged to include a sizzling start and lots of adjectives to describe what they saw during their special trip.
In Mathematics students made their own fractions museum and worked to display different fractions in multiple ways. They used classroom materials such as shapes, paper and unifix cubes and even showed fractions using the classroom itself. We also practised our addition and subtraction with a range of fun games. Students really enjoy playing these games and can even teach you at home with simple resources such as a deck of cards, paper and pencils. Challenge your child to a fun game at home! These games help improve students number fluency and quick recall of number facts.
We hope you have had a great week.
Mrs Hirvonen, Mr Jenkins, Mrs Martin, Miss Molloy, Mrs Danes, Mrs Moroney & Mrs Seadon
Student Voice:
- "I like making fractions in lots of different ways" - Elsie B
- "I like folding paper to make fractions." - Sunny G
- "I like making halves with unifix cubes" - Eesa J
- "I liked seeing sea animals on our pretend trip to Ningaloo Reef" - Yvon Z
Pupil of the Week
1/2H: Nimrat M - For using creativity and zest when writing your imaginative recount about our underwater adventure for World Ocean Day.
1/2J: Stella F - For showing perseverance and creativity with your writing. It has been very impressive to see you putting in your best effort every session.
1/2KD: Nolan T - For your effort and enthusiasm when making different fractions this week.
1/2M: Dexter S - For taking risks when exploring fractions this week.
1/2SM: Chloe C - For displaying a love of learning when writing. You tried very hard this week to improve your work by adding detail and taking pride in your work.