Leadership Centre

Selamat Siang,
This week's highlight was the annual Winter Gala Day where the 5/6 students have been spending every Friday over the last term training for the sports- AFL, Softball, Handball and Netball. Students represented MPRPS with pride and high levels of respect throughout each of the sports. Before the round robin began, each sport had a one-minute silence for our wonderful Miss Lancaster who would have attended her first sports day today. Although it was upsetting it was important to many students to remember Jo and share her with the rest of the sporting community. Students also wore black armbands each to signify the importance Miss Lancaster had at our school.
A huge thank you to Mrs Butterworth's organisation for the whole day and to our parent volunteers who assisted in the freezing cold- Jodie, Alice, Meg, Karry and Alicia.
Before each round started, students gathered around to discuss the rules again so we wouldn’t forget. Each round was 20 minutes long and after halftime, the goals would switch so that one team wouldn’t have an advantage the entire game. Similar to AFL, All the teams were named after different types of birds, for example, Mix Team 3 was called the Woodpeckers. After each game some teams would train their skills for the next round that they would play, practising skills such as catching, throwing and running. We may have not won every game but at least we tried our best and had a lot of fun participating in each round showing amazing teamwork!
Written by Ivy.H in 5/6B
Welcome to the AFL sports channel where today we speak about the 5/6 AFL Gala Sports Team. We had one team of 21 people with 15 on the field. Everyone played so well, and we went on to win our first two games. In the first game, we won by a goal and in the second game, well we need to go into context… Jasper has the ball he passes it to Harry, Harry with the game on his boot takes his time while he walks to take the potential game-winning goal, worried thoughts flood his mind as he starts running for his kick the current score is 2-7… and to win the game, Harry kicks it… GOAL!! The siren sounds blare and Harry has done it, he’s won the game! The next game was tough. We all tried our hardest and that’s all that counts. In the last game, the pressure was on, this is the decider that could send MPRPS to the semi-finals. St John’s PS stand in the same position. The first point goes to the opposition followed by a goal, the team looks up in worry as the whistle blows, and the second half begins. Ben has the ball he kicks, he scores! Next up, Jasper who has a free kick by the goal, he kicks, HE SCORES!! With only three minutes to go! Oh no, it can't be, the opposition has scored a goal in the last minute. But showing sportsmanship we congratulated the other team, kept our heads high and headed on the bus back to school. Better luck next year MPRPS!
Written by Grace (5/6GD) and Yianni (5/6L)
The day began at Sportslink Stadium in Vermont South, with four netball teams ready to play both on indoor and outdoor courts! Before the games, we warmed up on the court with different drills to practise catching, throwing and landing on two feet. We had my game up first, I felt very excited to play but also super nervous about the positions. As we started I was in WD (wing defence), our two goalers were Ayla and Ivy who scored multiple goals meaning we won our first game! We played two more games for the day, losing only one game in total. Mount Pleasant Road had many wins for the day however we didn’t make it to Division. Overall we all enjoyed our games and it has convinced me to start playing netball in my own team!
Written by Elena in 5/6J
“Batter up, play ball!” the umpire called the game to start. For the first game we started fielding and got many people out by throwing to the bases or catching the ball on the full. Now it was our turn to bat and we won our first game of softball but there were many more games to win. We tried and tried and got to the semifinals! We versed Kerrimuir PS who beat us by a lot so they went straight to division but two teams have to go to division so we had to play one more game against the team who had the third most wins and it was quite close all the way through the game but in the end, we won nine points to six points! So after all our effort we had made it to division and dedicated all the wins to Miss Lancaster.
Written by Simeon 5/6J
We hope you have a great final week of Term and know that our doors are always open,
The Leadership Centre Teachers
- Donations of tissue boxes are welcome
- Camp Oasis permission and payments on Sentral
- Swimming beginning Day 1, Week 1, Term 3!
Pupil of the Week
5/6B: Sheldon L -
For showing wonderful empathy and support to all your classmates and teachers in all our school events this week.
5/6D: Hinrich P
You have demonstrated a real love of learning when challenging yourself during our Guided Inquiry investigation into chocolate!
5/6GD: William L
For demonstrating teamwork and perseverance as goalkeeper in handball. Great to see your enthusiasm throughout the day!
5/6J: Thomas B
For your engagement and sportsmanship during handball at the Gala Sports Day. You are an excellent role model and represented your school with pride!
5/6L: Lucy W
For demonstrating impressive teamwork and overall leadership throughout handball at the Gala Sports Day.