Student News - PLC4




PLC4 had a great time attending the All Day Fritz excursion at the Melbourne Recital Centre towards the end of Term 2. After the excursion, we were all happy to look at photos of ourselves. As part of our Writing program, we took turns typing on the big screen to reflect on the experience. 

Michael wrote " I think the excursion was happy. My favourite instrument was happy."


When asked what she thought of the excursion, Maryam pointed to "fun" on her PODD book.

When asked what she thought of the excursion, Natty responded "good."

When asked what he thought of the excursion, Saad selected “like” on Proloquo2Go.

When asked what he thought of the excursion, Seb responded by pointing to “good” and “one” on his PODD book.