Congratulations to Joey from Prep for winning this week’s STEM question of the week. It would be fantastic to receive even more entries this week. 


Every fortnight we will be having a STEM question for students to answer.The questions will be posted in the newsletter. These questions will not be compulsory, but will be a bit of fun and a challenge for students. Students can write their answer on a piece of paper and place it in the appropriate box inside the STEM room. Prep- 2 will place it in the box labelled P-2 and Grades 3-6 in the box labelled 3-6. At the end of the week Miss Middlin will do a lucky dip and select one student from Prep- 2 and one from Grades 3-6 who will receive a small science related prize. This week's questions are found below. 


Plant Features- Grades Prep-2                                                           










Forces Grade 3-6