Scotsburn News 

Important Dates

SC3 Dash Program Showcase 2:30pm - 3:30pmTuesday 20th June
Scotsburn AssemblyThursday 22nd June
Parent Teacher Interviews

Wednesday 21st June (1pm finish for students)

Thursday 22nd June

End of Term Scotsburn Assembly and Parent Morning TeaThursday 22nd June
Whole School Assembly and Casual Dress DayFriday 23rd June
Last Day of Term 2Friday 23rd June (2:30pm finish)

As Term 2 draws to a close, we would like to thank the whole Scotsburn Community for another amazing term. This year has flown along, and we have so much to be proud of. The community that we all continue to foster, and build is something to be very proud of and as a staff, we certainly appreciate all the support and assistance that we receive. 


Please all enjoy a well earned break and we look forward to seeing everyone at the beginning of Term 3. 


Jarrod, Ana, Mitch, Liz, Kirsty, Rachel, Raquel, Gaye and Erin


SC3 DASH Showcase Afternoon

This term our Year 5 & 6 students have been participating in an 8-week program called DASH. DASH facilitates meaningful and protective partnerships with Victoria Police, emergency services and other community services in Ballarat to build a sense of belonging, and connection to our local community. The program culminates in a student-led project that harnesses the capacity of young people to voice and generate change for real needs in their local community. 


Today, our Year 5 & 6 students will be showcasing their amazing projects aimed at making a difference and creating change for issues they have identified in our local community.


In the first newsletter for Term 3 we will share some photos, information and highlights from the showcase.

Parent Teacher Interviews/3 Way Conversations

Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd June

A reminder that our SC1 parent teacher interviews and SC2/SC3 3-way conversations are going to be held this Wednesday and Thursday at Scotsburn. If you haven’t made a booking via Compass and would still like to catch up, please email your child’s classroom teacher and we will find a time to fit you in. These interviews and conversations form a vital part of the connection to home, allowing time to discuss the progress of your child as well as providing students with a chance to showcase their learning.


If you made a specialist booking with Liz or Rachel, please see the following arrangements:

  • Liz will be at Scotsburn on Wednesday, and Buninyong on Thursday
  • Rachel will be at Buninyong on Wednesday, and Scotsburn on Thursday

Also a reminder that Wednesday is a 1pm finish for students, to allow for interview time. 

End of Term Scotsburn Assembly and Morning Tea - Thursday 22nd June

This Thursday (22nd June), we would love to finish off the term with a big celebration, including a few performances, awards and presentations. This assembly will take place in the shed at 9am.


Following the assembly, we would like to invite all parents and carers into the old building for an informal catchup and morning tea, while teachers and students head back to class.

Whole School Assembly and Casual Dress DayFriday 23rd June

This Friday we will be starting the day at Buninyong for an end of term whole school assembly. We will have our usual routine of meeting in the courtyard at 8:45am, then head down to the gym for assembly. After assembly we will have some use of the gym and time in the library, followed by a play at recess and then bus back to Scotsburn. Normal Scotsburn pick up arrangements and buses, at the earlier time of 2:30pm.


If your child has some books to return to the library, please remember to pack them ready for Friday.


This Friday is also a casual dress day. Please send along a gold coin donation, with TeamSeas  being the beneficiary of funds raised through the day. TeamSeas is an organisation that raises funds to have rubbish removed from oceans.

Family Group - Sustainability mug decorations

This term the sustainability family group rotation has been focusing on how to minimise waste, thinking about the idea of the 4 Rs, Reduce, Recuse, Recycle and Rethink. Students have spent time designing and creating personalised mugs to use for hot chocolates at the campus, complete with their own sustainability message. It has been a great activity!

Chicken Roster and Pip Care

Once again we are looking for volunteers to help look after our chickens during the holiday break. Even one day would be greatly appreciated. If you are able to help out, please let your child’s teacher know before Friday. 

Also, if you would like to volunteer to look after Pip the bluetongue lizard over the holidays, please also let your child’s teacher know. 

Thanks in advance!

SC1 Learning Snapshot

This term has certainly flown. Eight weeks of continuous fun and learning! Our Kindergarten visits were a huge hit. Sharing stories of friendship, kindness, and learning and seeing some of the fantastic things you get to do at school!


 We have finished up the term in English building on the skills required to read and predict what will happen in the story using pictures and the title as our main focus. In Writing, students have transferred the skills used in daily reading, to create a narrative containing links to all six main elements – characters, setting, beginning, middle (problem/main event), ending, and feelings. Students love creating mini-books and look forward to our ‘Author Celebration’ on Friday. In Maths, we have completed our main focus on subtraction. Students have used number lines, number charts, games, and quick facts knowledge to build on their subtraction skills. It has been wonderful to see all the growth and the new strategies students use to subtract! Our Term 4 integrated topic, ‘Sound and Light’, will be celebrated on Monday and Tuesday. Students will be using some of the puppets they created throughout the term to create a puppet show, transferring their knowledge of how sound and light can create different effects when showcasing a story. We are sure students will be excited to show you all their puppets when they bring them home at the end of the term.


Once again, we would like to thank you for all your support and kindness throughout the term. We hope you all have a wonderful winter break and keep warm and happy! We look forward to seeing everyone next term. 


Thanks again,


Ana and Kirsty.

SC2 Learning Snapshot

With such a fast, yet successful semester coming to an end, our students have been working so very hard with plenty of assessments and publishing being completed over the past few weeks.

Students have been flat out in completing their slideshows for our 3-way conversations this week. They have been working incredibly hard on this and will do such a fantastic job at facilitating the majority of these conversations on Wednesday and Thursday. 


In integrated studies, students have been looking into the different perspectives from the first fleet and have begun creating different presentations to display their research from our previous lessons. Being such a short Term, this unit will run shortly into the start of next semester, with some cultural days and dances being organised for us in those early weeks to fully immerse ourselves into the indigenous culture. 


Thanks so much to our amazing parents for the support that you have shown both our students and staff in this first semester. We hope that you enjoy a safe and relaxing break. Our students certainly deserve it! 


See you in Semester Two! 



SC3 Learning Snapshot

Wow, what a term! SC3 has achieved so much, and they all should be very proud of their work. Over the past week, students have been putting the final touches on their inquiry work, including their Maths Asian city, their Information Report Poster, and their My Trip to Asia project. This will all come together on Thursday, where we will be hosting our Asian market stalls for the campus to come and visit. We also have some students bringing along traditional food from their country, which will be an awesome experience!

It has been wonderful also to see students put so much work and effort into their DASH Showcase presentations. The learning behaviours that students have been developing across this program have been so valuable and we are seeing the benefits both in the yard and in the classroom. 


Finally, can I say a massive thank you to all the parents and families of SC3. Your support and care have been so greatly appreciated and you all should be proud of how your children are progressing this year. Both Liz and I cannot thank you enough.

Have an amazing break,



Staff Contacts

Mr Morgan:

Mrs Anderson:

Mr Walsh:

Mrs Robinson:

Mrs Morgan:

Ms Middlin:


The Scotsburn Team