In Celebrating, Honour His Name

Tim Dehn - Community Relations Manager

Donvale Christian College will be 50 in 2025

That may seem a long way ahead, but in terms of planning school events, it really isn't. We have a team who are already discussing how we should celebrate and acknowledge God’s great work among us over the last 50 years.  We've been meeting twice a term since the start of the year, exploring ideas, allowing ourselves to think big, think widely: nothing is beyond discussion at this stage.


But - and it's an important "but" - we are determined, as a school rooted in Christian principles, that in celebrating we honour His name.


That's our essential mission statement for this project. Any decisions we make will be governed by our essential Donvale values, with these principles in mind:

  • Wise stewardship  
  • Acts of service  
  • God honouring  
  • Walking with Integrity  
  • Justice seeking  

Further, recognising our privileges and blessings, we will seek to bless others because we are blessed.


What's proposed so far?

Start the year with a re-enactment of that first day in 1975, inviting as many of those original 90 students who attended the first day of Donvale Christian School (as it then was) that we can locate to come back for the day - complete with a 1970s bus!


End the year with a Thanksgiving celebration which also commits our future to God's gracious hand.


And in between? Mark everything we do as a Jubilee celebration, without adding extra events which, so far from honouring God's name, would instead turn our eyes inwards. Further, we propose to seek ways in which we can, collectively, identify 50 acts of service which, because we are blessed, will in turn bless others.


What won't we do?

Write a book  ... buy anniversary key rings or mugs ... and certainly no tea towels or ties labelled Donvale 50! As one of our team put it firmly - "No knick-knackery."