German Exchange

Steve Venour - Head of Secondary, writing in  May

From the 1st to the 26th of April, 19 senior students and three staff were hosted in Germany as part of an exchange program with St Michael’s School, Paderborn. 


As you can imagine it is a transformative experience for the students who spend time with host families, attending school and visiting Berlin. Here is a brief testimonial from Year 11 student, Alex Steinfort:

"An experience like no other. The German Exchange was life-changing for me. I gained a second family on the other side of the world and a friend I can call a brother. I learnt so much about a place and culture so different to ours, and so much about myself. 

Through this experience, I've grown and developed in almost all aspects and I am forever thankful to everyone involved in making it happen. I've not only become better and more confident in my German linguistic abilities, but also in myself. I have made friendships through this exchange both in Germany and in Australia that will stay with me forever. 

I have created and been a part of so many incredible memories and moments that neither I nor anyone else involved will ever forget. I am forever in debt to my parents, Frau Samuel and DCC for this exchange and giving me the opportunity of a lifetime."