What's in the June Edition of Now and Then?

Tim Dehn - Community Relations Manager

That picture of a very snowy Mount Hotham is by Matt Palmer on Unsplash - which seemed as good a way as any to welcome you to this edition of Now and Then, our twice-yearly digest of what's been happening around Donvale Christian College. 


And there's certainly been plenty of activity...

  • Executive Principal Tim Argall provides a beautiful summary of who we are as a College community in So - Who Are We?
  • Founders' Day - where it all began brings together the generations in a celebration of Donvale (A couple of fun videos to watch here)
  • It's all about Community ... is jumping castles, doughnuts and 1600 people in the sunshine at the start of the year
  • Careers, students and alumni come together for a marvellous evening in Thank you for the Inspiration! 
  • Primary kids, butterflies, worms and catfish feature in Science is Fun
  • The Value of Outdoors takes you with Year 9 to the High Country and with Year 10 in canoes on the Murray - and some beautiful writing by Jo Evans
  • Generations In Jazz takes you to Mount Gambier to mix with thousands of young musicians
  • The Comedy of Errors - this year's Secondary production - was a brilliant reworking of Shakespeare's classic of mistaken identity
  • German Exchange follows our students around Berlin
  • Ahead of the Field demonstrates clearly that we have some terrific athletes here
  • If hard hats and hi-vis vests are your thing, Still Building! gives a glimpse of our current major building project
  • Getting Back Together - Alumni Reunions - sorry, no prize for guessing what that's about: maybe there's a picture of you in there somewhere?
  • Nearly there now - In Celebrating, Honour His Name looks ahead to plans to celebrate 50 years of Donvale in 2025
  • Finally, don't miss Donvale alumnus Clarence Tang, our guest In The Spotlight.

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Also, do feel free to share this with other Donvale alumni you think may be interested; and I'd love to hear from you if you've got comments or ideas about how we could improve Now and Then. Use alumni@donvale.vic.edu.au to get in touch.


And may you know the sure hand of God in every aspect of your life, wherever you find yourself.