TAS Times

Technology and Applied Science Faculty

Support Unit Timber Projects

One of the Technology Mandatory rotations offered at Camden High School is Material Technologies (Timber). 


Last term, Mr Greenway took his support class through the design and construction of a Jewellery Box. This unit of work is undertaken at a stage level where students have had minimal experience or exposure a practical environment in a school setting. Throughout the unit, students used a variety of tools, materials and techniques appropriate to the realisation of a quality jewellery box. The process will involve the application of the design process to produce a quality solution to specific design criteria. The students (and Mr Greenway!) are very proud of what they have achieved.


Hospitality Work Placement

For the next 4 weeks Year 11 Hospitality Cookery students will be completing their mandatory 35 hours of work placement. Students have the opportunity to learn valuable real-world skills in an industry setting. It also gives students valuable experience that they can include in their resume for future employment. 


Pictured are Matilda and Jessica who completed their work placement at Camden Valley Inn.



HSC Support

HSC teachers are available to provide support to students outside of the classroom face to face at the following times:


Hospitality & Community and Family Studies – Mondays 3pm - 4pm or break times.

Industrial Technology Timber - Mondays & Thursdays 3pm – 5pm 

School Holiday Workshops 

Mr Greenway is kindly offering 3 days in the holidays for Year 12 Industrial Technology Timber students to come in and gain support in working on their major projects and portfolios. These dates are 12th, 13th & 14th July 9am – 4pm