
Scoresby Secondary College Symposium
Students in Year 8 English are currently working on their project for the Scoresby Secondary College Symposium. This unit of work provides students with the opportunity to voice their opinions, and have agency in influencing decision makers on areas that matter to them.
The first step for all students was to develop a small political group in which they will campaign for the Knox Police to adopt an initiative/ project in order to improve saftey in the local community. Students were then tasked with addressing the following brief: “How can we reduce youth crime in Knox, and in doing so make our community a safer one to live in?”
Students will present their views at the symposium in the form of a political campaign, complete with slogans, speeches, posters and other persuasive mediums.
We warmly invite all parents/ guardians to support our students and attend the symposium which will take place on Friday 28 July. Please find attached the formal invitation with further details.
See below for some examples of the political party’s logos.
Ms Emily Bartlett, Ms Kathleen Shirer, Mrs Saleema Majida - Year 8 English
Year 7 English
Students in Year 7 English have just commenced their new unit on persuasive writing. This unit involves students participating in a number of workshops where they will learn and analyse the key elements of a persuasive text such as arguments, target audience, and persuasive techniques. In a recent workshop, students learnt about author tone and how through the choice of words/ phrases, the author can elicit certain emotions from the reader.
Students were given a number of different tone words and they were tasked with categorising them according to whether they believed they were positive, negative or neutral. It was great to see students working together in completing a unified goal.
Ms Emily Bartlett - Year 7 English