Art & Technology

Term 3 Art Highlights
At the start of May the VCE Art Creative Practice class took a trip into the city to visit the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, and the National Gallery of Victoria. Students visited the intriguing and challenging exhibition ‘Mithu Sen: Mothertongue’ and then attended Federation Square to see the VCE student exhibition ‘Top Arts’ at the Ian Potter Centre at NGV Australia. After a break for lunch, we spent the afternoon exploring the ‘Melbourne Now’ and the permanent collection. The class was exposed to a wide variety of contemporary, local artists, including that of fellow students, which can be both intimidating and inspiring. I look forward to seeing how the experience influences their developing Body of Work in class.
The Year 9 Art/Visual Communication class learned about the Art Movement of Surrealism and created some highly creative artworks inspired by the movement, using coloured pencils and collage.
The Year 10 Art class finished the semester working on some large canvas murals for various locations around the school. Each student brainstormed location and theme ideas and developed their own design. The class submissions were then narrowed down to 6 artworks to be created in small groups. Some of these are still a work-in-progress, including a large mural on the wall in the 300 block corridor, which will be completed next term, but 2 are ready to hang.
Ms Suzanne Tate
Art & Technology Leader
Year 9 Media
“When you have to shoot, shoot, don’t talk.” Eli Wallach as Ugly
Year 9 Media students had a brilliant all-day shoot of the famous shoot-out scene from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Sergio Leone’s iconic and classic 1966 Western.
Students worked both as actors in front of and as cinematographers behind the camera.
As actors, each student had a character to play within their group and was given clear direction, a need for absolute focus and a water bottle to represent their ‘guns.’
As cinematographers, students examined how Leone filmed and edited the sequence in class, then were given a shot to film. Absolute concentration and steady hands were required as they held the camera and filmed their classmates.
Students also were assistant directors and had created shot lists and, as a class, created a schedule for the day. They each had a turn calling ‘Quiet on set!’.
The footage we got in the ‘can’ was fantastic, and the students are currently editing and are almost at ‘final cut’, the stage when the film is ‘locked off’ and complete.
Big thanks to teachers Ms Caroline Huynh and Pre-Service Teacher, Ms Catherine Glavicic for assisting on the day. Also, to Ms Maria Christoforou for giving us her class time and Principal Mrs Gail Major for her overall encouragement and support of such a big production.
Stay tuned for the screening!
Ms Maria Theodorakis
Media Teacher
More than sawdust and splinters!
Product Design and Technology -WOOD
Students in Year 11 are engaged in developing a 3D prototype of their design enabling a better understanding of measurement, space and proportion leading to the production of their final project.
Revisiting and evaluating the various stages of the design process is integral to producing a product that meets the design brief of the end user. Here a student has completed a mock-up and modifying the design before construction.
a. Student confidently applies safe use of the Jigsaw.
b. Here students are using strap clamps to secure a simple rectangular mitred frame.
c. Setting up the Pedestal Drill for pre-drilling during the making of dowel joints
Following the Design process students commence construction of the proposed project.
Product Design and Technology focuses on design thinking, creative problem solving and understanding of product design factors. Students take on the role of designer and apply the design process to achieve a sustainable, functional and aesthetically pleasing design. The objective is to design a product working primarily in wood and wood products incorporating additional materials such as acrylic plastic, glass, metal hardware and fixings. Students learn the safe use and application of relevant hand and power tool use to safely produce a three-dimensional product.
Mr Rodney Triegaardt
Woodwork Teacher