Senior School Report

Year 10 Work Experience
Year 10 Work Experience
Scoresby Secondary College’s work experience program is a valuable opportunity for students to explore career options, and develop employability skills, maturity and self-confidence.
Work experience is also about increasing student understanding of basic workplace skills, with students placed with employers primarily to observe and learn – not to undertake activities that require extensive training or expertise.
Our Year 10 students completed a week of work experience the last week of term in a range business and industry locations including KPMG, Scouts Victoria, Yarra Rangers Council, Bunnings, Alfred Lewis Engineering, the Office of Kim Wells MP and more.
Feedback from the employers has been outstanding. We are extremely proud of our students and can’t wait to hear all about their experiences when students return from the mid year break.
General Achievement Test
On Thursday 15 June, Year 12 students completed the general achievement test (GAT).
The GAT was a test of general knowledge and skills test including Literacy, Numeracy, science, the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Our students were focused and determined to achieve their personal best.
“It was not as stressful as what I thought it would be”
Karlia Buckley
“It was a really positive shared experience the discussion afterward was fantastic”
Isabel Diaz
“As I completed the GAT last year, I knew what to expect therefore it was not that stressful” – Madeline Willems
Please visits the VCAA website for the 2023 Exam Timetable
Children’s University
Further to the Junior School Report, Year 10 students also have an opportunity toparticipate in this.
Children’s University is an innovative program that engages children and young people in exciting, out-of-school learning opportunities to increase their chances for educational achievement and rewards them for taking responsibility for their own learning. Our program began in the United Kingdom and is now available across the world in places like Australia, New Zealand, Asia and Africa! Today, Children’s University works with community and cultural institutions, supports the development of school-based clubs and activities, and provides so many opportunities for parents and communities to engage in the education of our young people (because they are our future). To be involved, participants must be between the ages of 5 and 14 years, with 15 to 18 years old students offered the chance to participate as volunteers and leaders.
For more information please see Ms Michelle Deboer or Mrs Kiriaki Caracasidis
Ms Michelle Deboer
Head of Senior School