Assistant Principal Reports

Student Semester One Reports
Semester one reports will be published on Compass by Monday 26 June. As Scoresby Secondary College moved to continuous reporting from the commencement of this year, students, parents and carers have had access to Common Assessment Task (CAT) “Achievements” and “Areas for Improvement” shortly after the assessments have been undertaken throughout the term.
Teachers have been working to ensure that their comments celebrate achievements and are instructive in relation to the areas for improvement. Comments are written expressly to the student to inform students of where and how they can improve. Such comments also serve to inform parents and carers of how they can best support their child.
The Semester report will include the Victorian Curriculum Continuum progression for students in Years 7 – Year 10 and unit results for VCE students, along with attendance data for each subject. A legend depicting the meaning of the performance criteria for each CAT will be listed on the first page of reports.
Detailed comments, performance and learning habits are listed against common assessment tasks. Again, it is important to note that learning task results and feedback are posted on Compass by subject teachers after each assessment is completed.
Learning experiences beyond the classroom
Throughout this term, students at all year levels have participated in learning experiences beyond the classroom, ranging from university visits and trade fairs to competing in sporting and academic competitions and for Year 10 students, work experience.
Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge
The Reading Challenge is on!
Can you read 15 books by the end of August? Perhaps you can compete with your parents, carers or siblings? Students can inform Mrs Duncan each time they complete a book and she will keep a record that she will pass onto each sub - school with prizes awarded at assemblies.
Work Experience 2023
All of our Year 10 students are currently experiencing life in the workplace, that they might like to join when completing their tertiary studies. Whilst some are working in local business, many have travelled far and wide to gain a glimpse of life within a profession that interests them.
General Achievement Test (GAT)
On Thursday 15 June, all students studying Unit 3 and 4 subjects sat the General Achievement Test (GAT). This is an important assessment of literacy, numeracy and general capabilities for VCE and VCE Vocational Major students that provides not only information on student literacy and numeracy levels, but also serves a very important purpose in validating assessment results for VCE studies.
College Information evenings
Early Term 3, students, parents and carers will be invited to evening information sessions where subject choices for 2024 will be discussed, so that students, with the assistance of their parents and carers, are able to make informed decisions in relation to their subject selections and possible pathways.
Have a safe and restful holiday break.
Mr Ayman Youssef
Assistant Principal – Teaching & Learning
What's it Like?
After nearly 30 years in the Independent Education sector it was a big decision to move to the State Education system 18 months ago. Over this period of time, the most common question I get asked is, “What is it like working at Scoresby?”
That’s an easy question to answer – Inspiring.
Scoresby Secondary College truly is one of the best-kept secrets; why?
The students are respectful and considerate to staff, and importantly, to each other. I look forward to my classes every day and the myriad of interactions with students throughout the day, knowing that mutual respect forms the basis of all interactions. Respect is also evident in staff interactions, making it very easy to interact professionally.
In my short time here, thus far, I have frequently observed the value of nurture. The care students display for each other is highly commendable. It is not an act, but part of their identity. Nurturing also extends to our staff, who care deeply about the students, collectively.
Our parent community should be proud of the respectful and nurturing children that they are raising!
So, am I glad I made the move to Scoresby Secondary College? Definitely!
Information Nights
Planning for 2023 has begun. To ensure parents are well informed we will be holding Information Nights early Term 3.
Please see the dates below:
Year 11 and 12 2024 (current Year 10 and Year 11 students) – Tuesday 18 July
Year 9 and 10 2024 (current Year 8 and Year 9 students) – Tuesday 25 July
I encourage all students and parents/carers to keep up to date with course information and timelines.
I would to take this opportunity to wish all our students an enjoyable rest over the upcoming holidays, and look forward to seeing you refreshed and raring to go in Term 3!
Mr Mark Corrie
Assistant Principal - Operations