Principal's Report

Term 2 Closes
As a shorter, but no less hectic term comes to an end, I would like to take the opportunity to thank our wonderful staff who have contributed so much to the college. I am so proud of the work carried out by our teaching and non-teaching staff who have worked exceptionally hard to maximise student engagement and learning in what has been a relentless term in terms of workload. One of the great benefits of leading Scoresby Secondary College is how our staff collaborate and jump in to take on additional classes and other duties when other staff have been absent with illness, bereavements, and other significant reasons.
I also wish to acknowledge our students for the many achievements within and beyond the classroom. This statement alone has many variables as everyone defines success in schools differently. For some parents this may relate to good behaviours, and academic success, for student’s success may be measured by the number of friends that they have and how well they are accepted by their peers. Having friends at school is part of being successful. It is essential for social and emotional development. However, students need to be educated on how to recognise a good friend and how to recognise someone who is not a good friend. One way to explain this, is that a good friend is someone who will help them excel and meet the expectations to be successful and care for their wellbeing. If their friend is taking them in the opposite direction of those expectations, then they know this is not a good friend. For students to experience complete success in school, it is critical for teachers and their parents/carers, to share not only academic expectations, but also the social and emotional expectations. Setting this foundation will help children be successful through their school years and into adulthood.
I encourage parents/carers to assist students to reflect on their semester academic achievements, reflect on the influence of their peers of their behaviours and consider how well they participated within the classroom and how well they en extra curricula activities.
Staffing Updates
The worldwide teacher shortages are increasing, and no school has been exempt from being unable to gain replacement teachers or support staff. I thank parents and especially our students who have been understanding, modelled our values of respect and been supportive of the changes of personnel throughout the term. When we have been able to access casual relief teachers, they have all commented on our student’s positive attitudes towards their learning and exemplary behaviours.
Despite our best efforts to manage the workload and pressures of the relentless demands on staff, like all other businesses, some staff make lifestyle choices to leave the profession, transfer or resign to spend more time with their families. It is therefore I announce the following staff are leaving and will not be returning next term:
- Mr Donovan Lawrence
- Ms Carolyn Huyn
Next term we will welcome the new staff who we have already appointed and communicating with our current staff to ensure a seamless handover. To maintain continuity for our Year 7 parents, Mrs Carakasidis will be the key contact after the Home Group Teacher for Year 7 students and parents at the start of Term 3.
Annual Implementation Plan
The end of the first semester is a good opportunity to reflect on the three overarching goals and targets in our strategic and annual implementation plans and track the progress we have made towards achieving them.
Goal 1: To improve the achievement and leaning growth of all students.
Goal 2: To improve student engagement, voice and advocacy, inspiring students to be empowered learners.
Goal 3: To build leadership capacity to create high performing teams for whole school improvement.
We have been implementing the following strategies in semseter one:
- teachers working in professional learning communities.
- consistent application of the Scoresby Secondary College Instructional Framework
- maintaining high expectations
- continuous curriculum development and review for all subjects
- effective feedback to students
- student learning extension and catch-up
- prioritising wellbeing and healthy active and healthy students
- professional leadership coaching for existing and emerging leaders
- developing student aspirations through leadership opportunities, activities and excursions to tertiary providers and our business and industry programs.
In Term 3 analysis of NAPLAN and PAT testing and student attitudes to school survey will occur while staff and parent opinion surveys will be conducted and reported on.
Members of Education Policy Committee (EPC), a sub-committee for College Council, receive reports on our progress towards the goals, in addition to hearing updates about teaching and learning and providing input into policy development. If you would like to join this sub committee of council please contact the office.
Congratulations to Lola Allain Year 11, who has been selected to represent Victoria in the 18 & Under Girls Indoor Cricket Age Division.
Lola will be competing at Cricket Australia’s upcoming 2023 Australian Indoor Cricket Championships, held at Ipswich Indoor Sports Centre in Queensland from Saturday June 24th – Saturday July 1. This national event will showcase Indoor Cricket across Australia with all states competing and is live-streamed during the finals.
Smart Watches at School
In line with the Department of Education and Training's ministerial order regarding mobile phone usage, “mobile phone” refers to mobile phones and any device that may connect to or have a similar functionality to a mobile phone, such as smart watches. Smart watches, in most cases, function in a similar way to mobile phones; to communicate, transmit information, and receive notifications and like phones, thereby making them a distraction to student learning. Already the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) have also published in their examination advice that “students are not permitted to bring into examination any electronic devices including smart watches and fitness trackers.” In line with the ministerial order, students are not permitted to wear smart watches at school. Students who bring their smart watches to school will be requested to keep them in their locker until the end of the day. Students will continue to be able to wear regular watches to school that cannot transmit information.
As the weather is has been extremely cold, students should be wearing the correct warmer clothes. The College jumper is very warm especially when combined with the jacket. The winter uniform is compulsory. A reminder to check all items are correctly fitting and items are not lost over the break. Students should be returning on day one having checked the policy in their planner on the requirements. At the final assembly today, students have been reminded about the policy regarding piercings and jewellery, adjusting skirt length as they have grown taller and to not bring incorrect school bags to school. There are two weeks to prepare.
2024 Enrolments
Our college is growing and while our school numbers are not high, we offer every opportunity to our students that a larger school would offer. I thank the staff for their commitment and their willingness to give the extra time and effort to run such a rich co-curricular program and teaching staff for such a rigorous, engaging and enriching the classroom program. Next term our transition team will be preparing the transition process for the larger numbers entering in 2024. As
End of Term
Throughout this busy term I have been surrounded by so many committed staff, families and other members of our school community. I thank every individual for the role you have played in inspiring and working collaboratively students to ensure they have every opportunity to experience success.
I wish all students and staff have a relaxing and safe break and I look forward to welcoming you all back on Monday 10 July.
Mrs Gail Major