General Office

Excursions / Incursions & Sport Events
Please note that if a student is to attend either an excursion, incursion or a sporting event, all payments and consent to be made at least three days prior to any activity.
Please check the event closing date on excursion forms as late returns will NO LONGER be ACCEPTED.
Schools are required to meet Department of Education and Training new excursion requirements and a minimum of three days is required to meet all requirements.
Fresh Fruit
With thanks to Food Bank Victoria, we have fresh fruit available for all students in the General Office. We have apples, pears and carrots, please come and get some.
Subway Lunches
Subway lunches are available for all students each Thursday unless otherwise notified
All orders are to be done online ONLY.
Please see attached flyers for all your orders.
Orders are to be in by 3:00 pm WEDNESDAY afternoon for delivery on a Thursday.
Student orders can be collected from Carol in the Food Technology Classroom at lunchtime each Thursday.
Mrs Michele Rogers