
Life can be… intriguing!

We covered a range of intriguing stories from the bible this term in our Chapel gatherings. Things that made us go ‘Huh’, ‘Whoa’ and ‘Eww’! 

There was a talking donkey, a fish with money in its mouth, even mouldy manna… Plenty of things left us scratching our heads. 

We heard about the people who found themselves in these strange situations and the circumstances that led them there. 

We discovered that life can be hard, messy, uncomfortable, surprising, and that at times, people like to take things into their own hands. 


Interestingly, a bigger story began to emerge…

We noticed that through these peculiar experiences, God was demonstrating His love and care. He knew of their shortcomings and still gave them a second chance. He continued to offer the opportunity to trust Him. 


Life can be intriguing still today. We may not have a personal encounter with a talking donkey, but we can find ourselves in circumstances that are hard, messy, uncomfortable and even surprising. 


As we try to make sense of things, it is easy to attempt to take things into our own hands. 


During times like this, I find comfort and strength in God’s promises. One that comes to mind is Jesus’ words in Matthew 28:20b, 

“And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (NLT)

God is always with us… offering Himself, His love and His care, both in the days that challenge us, and in the days we delight in... 


Something to keep in mind as we face today and tomorrow and all the days yet to come! 


God bless you!
