Explore Your World
KDC raises over $1000 for Charity.
The Year 10 Explore Your World class worked together to create fundraisers and presentations, while raising over $1000 to be donated to their chosen organisations; International Women’s Day, White Balloon Day, World Children’s Day, Stress Awareness Day and Sweetheart Day. Students selected their own groups and decided the organisations that interested them. During the process, students were required to research their organisations, contact people for confirmation, create time schedules, list quantities of materials, consider ideas for promotion and allocate roles. After six weeks of planning and preparation, the students came together to provide the school with an Out of Uniform Day; students could wear colors associated with the organisations (Purple, White, Pink, Blue and/or Red), presentations to classes in junior year levels and made cheesecakes, cupcakes and milkshakes – which were all extremely popular, by student purchases. As a class, we all achieved collaboration and communication skills, worked in unity and are excited for the projects ahead.
On behalf of the Year 10 Explore Your World class, we would like to thank Miss Garcia-Ives and other teachers and students who assisted in making the day a success!
Charlie, Leyla, Natalie and the Year 10 Explore Your World class.