Dates to Remember
Mon 18/3 - Fri 22/3 - Year 10 Camp Queensland
Wednesday 20/3 - Harmony Day & Awards night @ 7pm
Thursday 28/3 - Fun Run / Year 7 - P1 & 2 - Year 8 - P3 & 4
Monday 1/4 - Parent Teacher Interviews
Friday 5/4 - Last Day of Term 2:30pm finish
Monday 22/4 - Easter Monday - Public Holiday
Tuesday 23/4 - Students Return - Term 2
Wednesday 24/4 - Year 12 Assembly
Thursday 25/4 - ANZAC DAY - Public Holiday
Friday 26/4 - Year 11 Assembly
Tuesday 30/4 - OPEN NIGHT
Term Dates:
Term 1: 29th January to 5th April 2019
Term 2: 23rd April to 28th June 2019
Term 3: 15th July to 20th September 2019
Term 4: 7th October to 20th December 2019