Student News

Year 8 Religious Education (RE)

In Year 8 RE, studying Jesus: What a Legend, students in Mr Scott’s class learnt how to make flat bread which would most likely have been eaten in the time of Jesus. The students worked well, and we thank Mrs Thomson for kindly giving her time up for us to help create such enriching opportunities for our students and engaging cross-curricular lessons.

VCAL Team Volunteers


During Term 1 the VCAL team researched, planned and organised two visits to the Father Bob Maguire Foundation in Port Melbourne. Students learnt about the importance of nutritious food and companionship in supporting the wellbeing of people experiencing food insecurity, hopelessness and social isolation in the inner-city area. They volunteered their time and energy to assist with the running of the Foundation’s warehouse and its provision of healthy community meals. Students shared food and friendship as they listened to the stories of people they met.


This activity allowed students to meet some of the Personal Development learning outcomes they are required to meet while working towards achieving their certificates. They were commended by Father Bob’s team for the energy and enthusiasm they brought to the team tasks involved and also for the respect and compassion they showed when meeting new people.


Mary-Ann Tonini

Felicity Hutton

Adam Prime



Year 8 Made from Scratch.


The students in this subject have spent the term designing, planning and creating speakers for their phones. The work has extended them from investigating the variety of wooden speakers to using CAD (computer aided design) software to develop their ideas. The students then proceeded to work through the process of constructing their designs. The end result was a range of projects with some very interesting results. The opportunity to the test and review how these worked to amplify their phone speakers resulted in students being excited to hear how their projects worked well.