Student Awards

Student of the Week - 18/10/2019

Prep H - Jake - Great work on multiplication using arrays. Your maths knowledge is impressive.

Prep/1S - Elijah - For focusing in class all week and getting most of your work completed on time. 

1/2C - Emily - For being really helpful in the classroom. 

2/3R - Urijah - Staying focused during Readers' Workshop activities and showing great improvement in his reading. 

3/4S - Kade - For your amazing 'Can Do' attitude - you are finishing Year Three with a flourish! 

3/4W - Cooper - For including paragraphs into your autobiography. Well done! 

4/5J - Nate - For an excellent performance in High Jump at the Division Sports. Well done! 

5/6H - Matthew - For creating a well-designed poster on perimeter. You demonstrated an excellent knowledge of the word, it's origins, synonyms and antonyms. You accurately calculated the perimeter of regular and irregular 2D shapes.

5/6S - Jorjiah - For showing great organisation as you efficiently managed your class workload as well as writing and practicing your arguments during the Debating Festival. 

Music - Zavier A. - A fantastic effort in Music this week. You have so much knowledge about the orchestra. 

Art - Edith - For completing your incredible 'Peacock Shoe' for the show. 

Science - Jacob J. - For great work in Science this week for the topic of Friction. 

Values - Connor P. - For his outstanding work and role modelling with younger students in our school.   

Maths Master Award - 18/10/2019

Prep H - Ayla

Prep/1 S - Blake

1/2C - Liam

2/3R - Tamika

3/4S - Noah

3/4W - Liam

4/5J - Jacinta

5/6S - Erin

Student of the Week - 25/10/2019

Prep H - Emelia - Working hard to improve her skills in all learning areas. 

Prep/1S - Lilliannah - We have been impressed this week with all your hard work and positive behaviour. Keep it up! 

1/2C - Billie - For always being willing to help your fellow classmates in any way possible. 

2/3R - Max - For always striving to do his best and for being willing to help other students. 

3/4S - Sienna - For brilliant focus on your 'Plan a Zoo' project - it looks like a very exciting place to visit! 

3/4W - Adam - For using great expression in your autobiography writing.  

4/5J - Tommi - For an excellent week of learning and also for his enthusiasm towards reading Harry Potter. Well done Tommi!

5/6H - Crystal - For planning, drafting and publishing an informative and well-sequenced autobiography. Your revising and editing skills have developed steadily and have enabled you to create a polished piece of writing. Excellent effort! 

5/6S - Connor - For being a cooperative and engaged participant during the Evolve activities. You also created an interesting quiz using the Kahoot! program and effectively taught other students how to make their own Kahoot! quiz.

Music - Izaac K. - For an excellent drum rhythm during music class. 

Science - Lilliannah - Outstanding work and behaviour in Science this week. 

Values - Kayla - For outstanding work in the classroom and great work with junior classes in our school. 

Maths Master Award - 25/10/2019

Prep H - Jack

Prep/1 S - Declan

1/2C - Zavier A.

2/3R - Charlie

3/4S - Izaac

4/5J - Cheyenne

5/6S - Bridget