Classroom News - Year 5

Week 10

The end of term is fast approaching and we are all a little weary and very ready for a break. It is time to refresh and recoup after a term of what seems like constant illness for many of us.

We have had a very busy term, as usual, and this week is no different: 

* Wednesday: 9 :55 - 10:50 Sally from the Council will be visiting Year 5 to talk about water.

* Thursday:  'make-up' gymnastics session

* Friday:  CPR workshop

* Friday: whole school assembly.

Research Project

This week the students will be putting together a project on the effects of human intervention on God's Creation and how we can be stewards of the earth. The information for the project is on Google Classroom.

Year 5 & Year 1

Last week the Year 5 students had a lovely time helping Year 1 to construct toys. It was wonderful to watch the way the students worked together with the younger students, providing guidance and encouragement. Well done, Year 5!!

Cultural Immersion

Last week Mrs Smith (5S), Mrs Ross (Yr4) and Mrs Johnson (KJ) were away on a cultural immersion journey visiting places such as Moree, Lightning Ridge, Goodooga and Brewarrina. Along the way the group was privileged to participate in many cultural activities including a smoking ceremony and corroboree. We also visited sacred sites and talked with many elders about the history of their people since white settlement. 

School Supplies

Could you please ask your child if they need any stationery supplies and stock up again during the holidays. Some children are now using pens but they all still need lead pencils so restocking would be great. Thank you.

Happy Holiday

We wish you all a restful, safe and fun-filled holiday and look forward to seeing you all again in a couple of weeks time. Don't forget to wear your summer uniform!

Mrs Smith, Mr Lester & Mrs Croft