Parent Survey Results


Student Reports

Thank you for completing our short survey on student reports.

Below are an overview of the responses and comments.


From the survey responses:

79% of parents like the format of the English and mathematics comments and the tick boxes for other KLAs.

A majority of parents liked the General Comment and tick boxes with only 6% indicating they would like to keep the old format. 

87% of parents liked the idea of an initial comment before other KLAs. 


From the comments:

Most comments around the English and mathematics comments supported the clear and concise format from the Semester 1 reports.

Parents would like comments to be honest, simple and straight to the point. 

A General Comment was supported in comments such as: “more insight into general personality and behaviour…”, “comments regarding social, leadership, communication, resilience and empathy skills”.

Tick boxes with simple statements.

Parents have appreciated the phone interviews with parents. 


As a result, the following changes will be made to our semesterly reports.  

Once the template is completed, I will publish an example in the iNewsletter.

1. English and mathematics:

* Comments will follow the same format as the 2020 Semester 1 reports, with statements of what students can do and their learning goals.

* Tick boxes indicating achievement and effort using the A-E scale as per DoE policy requirements.

2. The other subject areas will have:

* An overview statement, written as a stage group, which will appear on reports of all students in that stage.

* Outcome/content statements with tick boxes that indicate student achievement using the A-E scale as per DoE policy requirements.

3. A General Comment for all students K-6.

4. Tick boxes for attitudes to learning and activities will remain the same.