Student Attendance

Student Attendance at School


Thank you to the many parents that continue to send in notes when your child is absent from school. It is expected, as per the Department of Education attendance policy and the Education Act of 1990, that when a child returns to school after an absence, a note explaining their absence is sent to the classroom teacher. 


                                  Our school student attendance rate is currently 92.6%


                                                          Our school target is 94%


Please remember:

  • 1 day off a week = 10 days a term (2 weeks - gone!)
  • 1 day off a week over the period of 1 year =  most of 1 term - gone!!
  • If this pattern starts in Kindergarten and continues through to Year 6 almost 2 years of learning is gone!!
  • If students miss days of learning they reduce the chance of achieving their academic potential.