Around the school

Staffing 2021


Our teaching staff has now been finalised for 2021 with the appointment of Brodie Trezona. Brodie is well known to our school community. Brodie is an ex GGLPS student and currently works in GGOSH. We look forward to Brodie joining our school team in the new year

Remembrance Day

We celebrated Remembrance Day at school today with a short ceremony at 11:00 am. 


It was great to see so many people at our termly MOT breakfast (Middle of Term) this morning. The bacon and egg muffins were well cooked by the staff! Thank you to the P & F for providing the goods for this to occur.  


Christmas Party

End of Year Gatherings

Like a lot of our activities this year we have had to compromise/alter some of our well-loved traditions. Unfortunately, our closing service is now a victim of this. Mindful of the number of people that are allowed in the worship centre the following will occur. 


Closing service: Closing service will be held at 8:50 on Tuesday 8th December. This will only be worship (like a normal Friday). There will be NO presentations, farewells etc. We will need to be mindful of the number of parents that attend this as we need to continue to physical distance.  



  • There will be two gatherings on the afternoon of Tuesday 8th. At 1:30 pm the students in F–2 will be in the Worship Centre to farewell staff who are leaving along with a few short presentations. This will conclude by 2:00 pm.
  • At 2:15 pm students in 3 – 6 will be in the Worship Centre and leadership positions announced, staff farewells occur (a repeat from the session before), choir singing, Volunteer Award, service award for Mrs Prideaux, Foundation students sing to the year 6 students. With half the school not attending there will be room for any parents/friends etc that would like to attend this presentation time. This will conclude by 3:00 pm and be followed by a community afternoon tea to acknowledge leaving staff (more information to follow on this).
  • Yr 6 Graduation Service: This will be held as normal as it only involves year 6 parents and families. However, seating will be more spread out than in previous years to satisfy COVID protocols (more information to follow). The choir will also sing at this event.

School Council - Member Vacancy

Download the pdf

Gifts of Grace

The Gifts of Grace catalogues have been sent home with families today.


This is a wonderful way to give a gift which keeps on giving, especially to families in developing countries who are in so much need.

Class Placement 2021

A strongly considered and prayerful process is undertaken during the fourth term in regards to the placement of students in their class for 2021. 


Part of this process involves parents/caregivers providing any relevant information to the school for consideration  - friendships, ongoing issues with peers etc. Students will also be asked in the coming weeks about their friendship group and peers with whom they like to work. Please do not assume that we have remembered reasons for placement from previous years and you will need to communicate any thoughts or concerns that are still relevant. As a school, we guarantee that every child will be with at least one friend (who they have nominated). 


Many factors are considered in the placement of students including learning style/needs, emotional/social needs, gender-mix, personality traits. 


Parents/caregivers are asked to provide us with any information which you believe is relevant by Friday 6th November. 


Please do not request teachers (allocations to classes haven’t been finalised) as we will not accommodate those requests.  


It is preferred that you communicate via email to either Tim Kriewaldt or Jayne Zadow All emails received will be acknowledged.  


As you would understand we take the process of allocation very seriously and believe that the final classes are the result of much work, thought and prayer. It is important that you take this opportunity to share as once classes are finalised (and released) there is no room for change. 

School Photos - Reorders

If you wish to order any of the sports/special photographs please view and order online at

using the Online Order Code: 20S8048PRE38L


Photo prices are:

$18.00 each, 2 for $34.00, 3 for $46.00, 4 for $58.00 or 5 for $70.00

Any additional photographs are $10.00 each. This discount is only available per family order.


Photos ordered by families will be delivered to the school.

Staff Christmas Gifts

The Class Carers would like to purchase a small Christmas gift for staff members.

They are asking for $5 per child. If you would like to contribute, please make the payment via the Qkr! app by Monday 30 November.

These gifts will be presented during the last week of school. More information regarding this will follow.

Foundation First Day Photos

Thank you to Tracy for taking these photos. Tracy has kindly donated all the money made to Asaroka. 

Christmas time for GGOSH

GGOSH is closed from Thursday 24 December until Friday 8 January. First day back Monday 11 January 2021.

Instrumental lessons 2021

Instrumental tuition at Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School is encouraged and well supported.  Some families prefer the convenience of lessons being provided at school.


We work in collaboration with a number of qualified, experienced and skilled instrumental instructors and the company, Learning Through Music provide our students with access to lessons within school hours using school facilities.


At this time of year, the instructors and coordinators are re-evaluating the feasibility of providing instruction for each of the instruments.  We ask that you complete the on-line form indicating a continuation of tuition, non-continuation of tuition and new enrolment for the 2021 school year.