
Well-being at GGLPS

It is essential that all students in the school feel safe and know that they belong to a supportive and caring environment. Well-being in a broad sense to us incorporates behaviour management, programs to support students socially and emotionally and the development of strategies to act responsibly and aid learning. You are encouraged to discuss these ideas and strategies with your children to reinforce what is happening at school.

Reading with your Child

Reading would have to be one of the most amazing things to do. There are so many different sorts of books and texts these days. Growing up I never had the luxury of the vast variety of books our children now have at their fingertips. Over the years my family have spent so much on buying books, but I believe it has been worth it. I always enjoy at the end of most nights reading with my children even though they are getting older. Last night my son and I read Garfield comics for a good laugh before bed.


These days it often can be harder to get our children to read. There are so many ‘other’ things that occupy our time. Some are valid and necessary while sometimes other things get in our way that perhaps if we put a plan in place, we could prioritise reading a bit more. I know in my house we do not always prioritise reading the way we would like.


One of my catchphrases that I have always lived by is the key to learning is developing a love for reading. When you have a love for reading you are continually looking for new things to read and as a result, lots of learning will take place. The imagination created is also amazing!


Starting early is critical but even if you have started later there are ways to turn it around and foster a love for reading. Discussing with your children routines, types of books and helping them to source them are great ways to support this (I love the TTG library by the way). Modelling reading and sharing reading together are also great ways to share in the reading experience.


For more information and tips and tricks check out the following link from Mindshift.

Happy reading!!



Tim Kriewaldt

Deputy Principal