Primary Sub-School News

Rachael Macmillan 

We have now completed Week 6 of our 10-week term and the students are showing that they are becoming more familiar with classroom routines and expectations. 


Our SSG period is now complete, however, if there is something you feel you need to discuss with your child's teacher, please write a note in your child's diary, or arrange a time for a phone call from the class teacher. Please understand that while teachers are not available to talk to parents over the phone during the day while they are teaching in the classroom, our teachers are able to phone a parent after the school day is finished. If you did not have an SSG with your child's teacher, please be in touch with the class teacher so a meeting time can be arranged. 


If you hear some 'mooing' or 'clucking' from our school next week, it could be the "Aussie Farm Animals" who are coming to visit our school. Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 6 with experience this incursion on Friday, March 17th. This is a special treat to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of JSA, and it is also linked with our Science for Term 2 topic: 'Our Senses in Familiar Places.' If your child is in one of these rooms, and you haven't returned your permission note, please do so as soon as possible. 


The other Primary classrooms will have their special JSA 10th Anniversary celebration at Crocs Playcentre. This excursion will include Rooms 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9. 


Would you like to come along to our excursions to help support our students? We will all be going swimming in Term 2 and we will need some parents to help out with supervision and changing. If the answer is 'yes,' you need to have a current Working With Children's check. Please go to this Website to apply for a WWCC:

It is a good idea to begin the process now if you are interested to ensure you have your check completed in time for more fun excursions. 


Here are some photos of our students over the past two weeks in the Primary Sub School.

Room 3

We welcome back the Room 3 students for 2023. We look forward to another year of learning and socialising. The students in Room 3 have been learning skills such as sorting, turn taking and numbers. We have explored different letters, words and objects during sensory play, music and when working on our personalised visual mini work schedules. We all had great fun joining in water play during Maths lessons and were exposed to concepts including more, full and empty.