New Uniform Supplier 


State School Relief is now overseeing our uniform orders 

You will be able to order our uniform through Qkr! just like before, and their website. 

Any orders that have already been placed, don't worry they are on the way. 


State Schools’ Relief is a not-for-profit organisation that improves the lives of tens of thousands of disadvantaged Victorian students, and their families, each year.


The uniform has not changed. We are still using LWREID so they look and feel the exact same. Prices may be subject to change, however, will be easier to order and receive orders than through our previous partnership with LW REID. Orders you place for the students will still arrive at JSA and be handed out. 


Thank you for your patience.  


Leftover stock

We have some leftover stock in sizes 8, 10, 12,14 and 3XL in a range of jackets, polos and long sleeves. 


Please head to reception if you wish to purchase any.