Prep Report
Wominjeka from the POD COMMUNITY - Katya, Elise, Carmen, Jo, Kim,Paula & Maja
Prep Report
Wominjeka from the POD COMMUNITY - Katya, Elise, Carmen, Jo, Kim,Paula & Maja
This term we have read a range of shared big books and nursery rhymes where students have focused on reading for meaning and analysing words and sentences, particularly through rhyme. The Preps have been focusing on constructing an Independent Reading Routine, where they are working towards developing the skills to become independent readers. This runs alongside our daily Reading sessions, where each student has an 'Independent Reading Bag' containing choice books selected by them from the Classroom Library. Students begin the session as a whole class before moving into either independent learning or a targeted explicit teacher group.
Multisensory Structured Language Approach (MSL) has been a daily focus, where students have been developing their letter and sound knowledge. The MSL approach uses sight, hearing, movement, and touch, to give students more than one way to connect with what they are learning.
Each week students read and engage with a new text, learning about text features, vocabulary, comprehension and more. Students also complete a ‘Language Experience’ task directly related to the text to build interest, language and comprehension in a fun and creative way. This week our Prep students are reading the nursery rhymes Hickory Hickory Dock and Incy Wincy Spider. They immersed themselves in craft and creativity by making mice and spiderwebs. They are now being displayed in the Prep Pod Learning Community.
"My teacher makes me happy because I like her and she is funny and nice." – Tina, Prep A
"Drawing my dog and me makes me happy." - Gabriella, Prep B
"I am happy because I colour, play ‘Duck, Duck, Goose’ and tagging. "- Anantjot, Prep C
"I do like going outside, and I like STEM and Performing Arts." – Tegan, Prep D
"I like playing with my friends." - Alina, Prep E
"Being with my friends brings me joy." - Prakirti, Prep F
"Playing with the blocks and playing football makes me happy." - Zayn, Prep G
"I know the sounds of letters but I don’t know b, j, g and I know how to count to 1K!" - Veraaj, Prep A
"My mum and dad are cheering me at the Fun Run today!" - Riaan, Prep B
"I like learning how to make Incy Wincy spider and I’m really good at learning how to make a little mouse too." - Ivy, Prep C
"I can count, and I like drawing a lot." – Yousef, Prep D
"I know sounds and letters like the letter ‘N’." – Nabeel, Prep E
"Running in the playground makes me happy." - Thomas, Prep F
"I am good at counting and drawing my family." Athanasia, Prep G
In the Pod Learning Community, we share our awards and acknowledgements through our Values Tree. Students showing BRILLIANCE, CURIOSITY, JOY and KINDNESS are given a flower to be displayed on our tree. Look how many flowers we have so far this term.
3 March: Laxson K (Prep E)
6 March: Layla A (Prep C)
12 March: Geoffrey T (Prep B)
13 March: Milan R (Prep E)
19 March: Prakirti B (Prep F)
22 March: Aria B (Prep A)
6 April: Ryker B (Prep A)
9 April: Samar S (Prep A)
12 April: Angela G (Prep F)
16 April: Zach S (Prep G)
20 April: Angel J (Prep E)
22 April: Lorik M (Prep G)
28 April: Ayan S (Prep G)
Reminder to read your child's take-home reading book or log in to 'Decodables Online' to practise reading at home each night. Please log all reading on your child's reading log. PYJAMA DAY THURSDAY 6th April: Our last day of term we are spreading JOY and FUN with everyone invited to come to school in their Pyjamas. Normal shoes for safety are required on the day. We ask students to spread BeKIND by bringing a gold coin donation (or more if able) to donate to the ROYAL CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL. (Children who do not feel comfortable in PJ's can come in casual clothes instead)