Our dedicated staff welcome you

Welcome back Year 9!
It felt like yesterday that students in Year 7 2021 were starting high school, but they have now started Year 9 and are on their path to their Record of School Achievement (RoSA).
Students have been learning about attendance, classwork and assessment requirements for the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). They know that support with their learning is always available from their teachers, the Learning Support faculty, their Year Advisers and Deputy Principal and they understand the importance of being respectful, responsible and successful learners.
The Year 9 cohort also warmly welcomes seven new students to their group:
Brooklyn, Abdul, Afsara, Shahad, Naman, Tahlia, and Conor.
Year 9 have made a fantastic start to the new school year.
Julia Cremin
Deputy Principal | Year 9 and Support Unit