Dates for the Diary

- Mon Feb 20th to Weds Feb 22 - 3-way conferences (student/teacher/parent) dates will be held on the following dates - Monday 20th February 3:45-5:30, Tuesday 21st February 3:45-4:45, Wednesday 22nd February 3:45-8:00. Parents/Carers will be able to make bookings via Compass closer to the time.
- Friday 3rd March School Photos
- Wednesday 8th March Prep Assembly & Welcome to Country Smoking Ceremony
- Monday 13th March – Labour Day Public Holiday
- 15th to 17th March - Year 6 Camp to Sovereign Hill
- Sunday 19th March, 10am to 3pm - School Fete together with Panorama Heights Pre-school *(Second hand uniform sale - 10am to 12pm at the fete)
- 20th to 27th March - NAPLAN Year 3 and 5
- Friday 31st March - Casual Dress day (bring gold coin or hamper donation)
- Wednesday 5th April - Final Assembly & Easter Raffle Draw
- Thursday 6 April - Easter Bonnet Parade at 9.30am + Final day of term 1, students finish at 2.30pm
All dates can be found in the online live calendar on our website. Click on the below link.