Learning and Teaching


The children have been learning about Location and Transformation. In this unit, the children describe positions and movements such as left, right, forward, backwards etc. They give and follow instructions to locations and also interpret maps. 

Here is an engaging activity you can do at home to support your child practise the skills when learning about Location and Transformation. Where is it? 



In P-2 Our children have been reading wonderful books and borrowing ideas for their own writing during book making. In Reading, our children have been learning how to be effective readers by comprehending, reading with accuracy & fluency, and learning new vocabulary while they read. 


Our 3-6 children have been planting 'seeds' in their writers notebook and beginning to engage and re-engage with book club roles.


The next few weeks of Literacy will look at writing to socialise and how we communicate. We will be writing letters/notes/messages and even emails!! Look out for any letters that may come home!


Each year, Project Compassion comes as a timely reminder of the importance of solidarity and how a single act of kindness – whether big or small, can make a life changing impact in the lives of those who need it most. 


During the Season of Lent, we are committed to supporting Caritas as a Catholic organisation that works to support those in need in our local and Global community. 

Through faith, the children will be sharing the stories of some of the people that Caritas have supported and learning about the long lasting impact of Caritas support.  If you are interested you can visit the website to read about these stories. 




In every Hub there is a Project Compassion donation box.  The children are welcome to make a donation to Caritas through the box during the season of Lent. If your family would like to collect a box to have in your home, your child can simply ask an educator in their hub for a box to take home. 


On the last day of term- Thursday 6 April, we invite all students to bring in a gold coin to contribute to our Caritas Coin Snail Trail that will be the culmination of our Lenten giving. 


Digital Technology


For those that missed out on the first session for the parent webinar held earlier this term ‘Raising Kids in a Digital World 2023’, run by Inform & Empower - there will be another opportunity for you to register on Thursday, March 23 at 7:30pm.

Once you register, you will be emailed a link to the webinar - along with reminder emails. If you are unable to attend the live webinar, we encourage you to still register, as you will receive a link the the replay the following day, which will be available for 30 days.



To register, please click the link bit.ly/23march2023


Details below:

Date: Thursday 23 March 

Time: 7.30pm (90min)