Around the College

Thank you to Foster IGA!

A huge thank you to Shelton Lazaroo, Manager of Foster IGA for the donation of Zooper Doopers to our College fundraiser during Lent! Zooper Doopers are being sold by our Senior Youth Ministry students at lunchtime on a Friday until the end of term to raise Monday for Caritas!


Enrolments - Year 7 2024

Applications for Year 7 2024 are open, we welcome families to our open mornings, please click on the picture above to register. 


Our enrolments are now completed 100% online! Families are able to complete and submit all documents required for enrolment through our website: 


Year 11 VM Meeniyan Community Garden Visit

On Thursday, February 16, the year 11 VM class visited the Meeniyan Community Garden to gather ideas and inspiration for their kitchen garden integrated project. The students interviewed the coordinator, Sally, and a volunteer, Tammy to learn about the construction and maintenance of the garden. Over the next couple of weeks, the class will be developing their ideas for the site plan and design, researching costs and organising quotes and then finally constructing the garden. We are hopeful that planting will begin later this Term. 


Science - Unit 3 Biology

Students are investigating enzyme activity with Mr. Skelt!


Building and Construction - Year 10 Demolition

One of the units completed in building and construction is Demolition. Students learn the correct way in which to dismantle and recycle items.


SSV Boys Tennis

The boys tennis team consisted of 16 players not all of them competing against their exact age group. With two late withdrawals from the senior side on the morning of the competition we were poised to forfeit if not for the courageous actions of Aaron Bruce, Kai Heenan, Max Sheehan and Zac Jones. All these boys stepped up to play against older and in some cases more seasoned players.


The year 7 team consisting of Julian Aeschlimann, Archie Dynes, Lincoln Newton and Ryan Jorgensen was very competitive and managed to win two of the three rounds they played on the day. In very hot conditions two of the four players who had never played before managed to taste victory and experience competitive tennis for the first time!


The year 8 team of Tony Bals, Aaron Bruce, Ned Sheehan, Patrick Frayne and Samuel Kreutzberger did their best after one of the team’s star players, Aaron was seconded to the Intermediate team (years 9 and 10) after we were forced to shuffle our players up another level to have enough in each team. Better than forfeiting and with great resilience Aaron returned to the year 8 team after his ‘stint’ in Intermediate. It was obvious that Aaron made both teams stronger and perhaps the year 8s would have progressed to the next level at Traralgon if he had remained on the team all day.


The Intermediates luckily had a few extra players all of whom play at their local clubs.

Edward Hams, Geoffrey Bye, James Montgomery and year 8 fill-in Aaron Bruce all played solid tennis however, other competing high schools had just a couple of very skilled and well-trained players. Similar to our younger teams two of the three rounds they won on the day was just not enough to get them into the next round of finals later in the year.


In our Senior team, Jacob McRae was the only genuine senior player to compete as other late withdrawals produced a difficult team and player deficit to overcome. Max Sheehan, Kai Heenan and Zac Jones all filled in from their division to play and did an incredible job of competing at the highest standard this day of tennis offered any player. Well done to this team who now know exactly what the next two years of SSV tennis looks like in the Senior division. No doubt we will be back next year to get over the line and into the final round. Thanks to Ty Hall, Jay Baker and John Ryan for all their support on the day.

SSV Year 8 Girls Cricket

Year 7 Camp

Our Year 7 students headed to Adventure Park at Phillip Island for their camp this week! Thank you to the teachers and staff who attended!


Our Year 12 student leaders joined the group on Wednesday evening to join in some activities and for dinner and the liturgy.