Co-curricular - Senior Sport

Summer Sport Finals
We wish those teams traveling to Penrith Basketball Stadium this Saturday the very best of luck for their ISA Basketball Grand Finals.
Good luck to the 14A Cricket team who are the only team to fly the College flag into the semi-finals of the NDJCA competition. Please note this semi-final is a two-day fixture and will be played this Saturday 11 March and Sunday 12 March.
Good luck to the First XI Cricket team who will be playing in their grand final on Breen Oval against St Augustine’s College. There was a fantastic turn out of supporters last Saturday at the Annual Pink Stumps Day. I wish to extend an invitation to all staff, students, families, and friends, to come down and support the First XI Cricket team again this weekend. This Saturday, the College SJAG team will be running a barbeque selling sausage sandwiches and cold drinks, with proceeds going towards the Lenten Fundraiser.
I remind all boys that should they choose to attend and support any teams this weekend, they are to be wearing the correct College attire - black supporters’ shirt, black crested shorts, white socks and the College crested cap only. Failure to do so will result in you being asked to leave.
ISA Representatives
Congratulations to Declan Trainor (Year 11) on his selection in the ISA Representative Water Polo team for 2023.
Annual House Athletics Carnival
The Secondary House and Age Championships will take place next Tuesday 14 March at Sydney Olympic Park Athletic Centre. This is a normal school day, and all students are expected to attend, irrespective of their capabilities. If for some reason, i.e., medical, a boy cannot participate, a letter should have already been forwarded to me. If this is the case, I ask that you please notify me or your son’s Year Coordinator ASAP.
Winter Sports Trials
A reminder Winter Sport Trials will commence on Thursday 16 March. These trial schedules can be viewed on the sports notice boards around the College or SPC App. Should we experience any wet weather, or grounds become unavailable, dates for the Winter Sport Trials will be updated.
Those boys still engaged in NDJCA or RHBL Finals on 19 March are to continue to meet their Summer Co-curricular commitment as a priority - noting that their absence at the first Winter trial will in no way see them disadvantaged in terms of team selections.
Please note that training will cease once a team is no longer involved in its respective competition.
St Pat's Junior Rugby Club (SPJRC)
St Pat’s Junior Rugby Club pre-season skills training sessions have now concluded and will commence training on Wednesday evenings at 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM, Hudson Park for anyone who is wanting to play with the club aged 6-14 years.
St Pat’s Junior Rugby Club encourage those boys turning 14 to consider joining the club as they are still short numbers.
For more information on these sessions or to register with SPJRC please feel free to contact Joe Abraham via email –
Anthony Calavassy
Head of Secondary Sport