Parents and Friends

Parents and Friends Parent Forum and General Meeting: Tuesday 21 March 2023, 7:00 PM
Dear parents and carers, you are invited to attend our Parents and Friends Parent Forum and General Meeting, on Tuesday 21 March at 7:00 PM in the Robson Auditorium.
The topic of discussion for the Parent Forum is one that should not be missed. Mrs Denise Lombardo will be presenting on ChatGPT. ChatGPT is a newly developed Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbox developed by OpenAI, available to everyone.
Mrs Lombardo will be discussing what it is, how it works, cautions for parents, carers and students and St Patrick’s College’s response.
Following the Forum, you are all invited to stay for the Parents and Friends General Meeting. Please register your attendance for the Forum and Meeting here.
Please forward any questions that you would like raised at the General meeting to, prior to the meeting.
Supporters’ Day Barbeques
As you have all been informed via communication from the school, the Supporters' Day for your son will be held during the Winter Sport season.
The Parents and Friends will be hosting the barbeques during this time. Events like this are a wonderful way to meet other families at the school and what better way to do this than by volunteering an hour of your time on the day. It would be great if we could have the support of our school families. Many hands make light work! Any time you can spare will be appreciated. If you would like to volunteer, please follow the link below according to your son’s allocated day:
Save the Date
Our Annual Blue, Black and Gold Dinner will be held on Friday 19 May. Save the date as the invitation will be available shortly.
Parents and Friends Committee