Uniform Shop

Buying and Selling Second-hand Uniforms
With a change in season now upon us, it is a good time to consider your Winter academic and sports uniform needs.
If you have uniforms that are still in good condition but are outgrown by your sons or no longer needed, we encourage you to list them for sale on the Sustainable School Shop website: (www.sustainableschoolshop.com.au). By listing, you are assisting other families within our College community.
- The service is easy to navigate, offering a helpline for added assistance
- St Patrick’s College is providing this service making it free for families to use
- Buyers contact sellers directly - there is no commission on the sale.
To see what uniform is currently for sale through this service, click on the link below:
Families that have not registered with the service may register as a parent/carer nominating the College via the following website: www.sustainableschoolshop.com.au.
The College is excited by this initiative that promotes community and sustainability.
Loretta Mynett
Uniform Shop Manager