
Mark Alexander - Sports & House Coordinator / House Leader 

As we return to school already the students at St Johns have found themselves emersed in sport at St Johns. The House Aquatics Carnival was held on Friday the 10th February at Doveton Pool in the Park. It was perfect weather conditions allowing the students to show off their swimming talents and have some fun in the pool. The options students had were participating in relays, freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, water games or even a chance at the waterslide. It was great to see so many students take advantage of getting in the water and getting points for their house. Congratulations to Mr Paul Boswell and Delphinus house for taking out the championship of 2023. Soon a team will be built from the fastest swimmers to represent St Johns at the SIS Swimming Carnival that is held in Term 2.


This week will also see the beginning of SIS Weekly sports and I thank the coaches for their efforts of training and building teams to compete. This term the sports are Senior Boys Soccer (Mr Boswell), Senior Girls Soccer (Ms Kintzel), Senior Indoor Cricket (Mr Alexander), Senior Girls Basketball (Ms Liu) and Intermediate Girls Volleyball (Ms Nguyen). Wishing them all the best for their season.


Students can also look forward to a brand new Homeroom Volleyball competition that will be coming soon to St Johns. Stay Tuned.