Deputy Principal - Learning and Teaching 

Kamila Bielinski

Dear Parents /Guardians,


Welcome back to all families, in particular, I extend a special welcome to new students and their families. As a new staff member, I have received a very warm welcome from staff and students and I hope that all new students, parents and staff are feeling as excited as I am to be part of the St John’s Community.  It is my privilege to work and lead in this vibrant and dynamic learning community. As a returning student it is evident to me that St John’s maintains the approach of educating the whole child where every student is ‘known and loved’.  As a community we are blessed to have staff that are courageous and innovative educators who are passionate not only about their subjects but also on social justice, equality and equity, student wellbeing and providing young people with many opportunities to flourish. I challenge every young person at St John’s to work with the staff here and take up all opportunities offered to become the best version of themselves.


Below please find key organisational documents that will be of great use to all VCE students and their families.

The SAC/SAT Schedule provides advanced notification and context for all upcoming assessments for Semester 1 2023.

Whilst the VCE Student Handbook provides published guidelines and procedures for completing VCE.





A Prayer for the People of Turkey and Syria


We pray for the people of Central Turkey and Northwest Syria, whose lives have been devastated by the earthquake. 

Be present, O Lord, to bring comfort, relief, shelter and human kindness. 

Shield the people who suffer, console those who are bereaved, prosper the provision of relief, strengthen the work of emergency teams and shine your light and hope in the midst of despair.


We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.


Ven. Nano Nagle: pray for us.

St John Baptist de La Salle: pray for us.

Live Jesus in our hearts: forever.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.