Principal's Report
Tim Hogan
Principal's Report
Tim Hogan
On Wednesday of next week our students and staff will gather in House groups to mark the beginning of the 40 day Lenten period with our Ash Wednesday Liturgy.
This period in our Catholic community allows us to focus on the things we would all like to do differently. As we are human, we acknowledge together that we are not perfect and that we all make mistakes. The 40 days of Lent is, therefore, an opportunity to focus on a change of heart. It asks us to reflect and recognise that we need God's assistance if we are to open our hearts to the teachings of Christ and the prompting of his spirit in our daily lives so that love, justice, compassion and forgiveness become the guiding forces in our life and not self-interest, resentment or greed. As we begin this Lenten period we remember that God does not sit in judgement of what we can and can’t do but wants us to be all that we can be out of love for us, a love that inspires us to focus on a change of heart over the next 40 days
On Tuesday of last week, our 2023 student leaders received their badges of leadership in the Opening College Assembly of the school year. We prayed for them, outlined our expectations for their leadership and expressed our public support for them. It is a big responsibility to be the voice for and lead our student body in the tradition of our Lasallian and Presentation Charisms but we have every confidence that this group of young leaders will add to and grow the legacy of student leadership established by those before them.
The other highlight of our first assembly of the school year was to acknowledge our High Performers from the Class of 2022 and to hear from the St John’s College's Dux for 2022, Joanna Boak . In alignment with our school motto “ Virtus In Astra Tendit “ – courage to reach for the stars - we congratulate Joanna who has achieved a significant goal through effort, perseverance and self-discipline and acknowledge her as a great role model for our students.
On Monday morning all students gathered to reflect on National Apology Day which recognises and commemorates the formal apology made to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by former Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, in 2008. We are called to remember in particular the Stolen Generations whose lives had been blighted by past government policies of forced child removal and assimilation. Remembering is important but so are deeds. Inspired by Nano Nagle whose deeds sort to right injustice we are encouraged to take practical measures to address the disadvantage experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in education, health, employment, and general opportunity wherever we find it.
Last week our students travelled to Doveton Swimming Pool in beautiful conditions to compete in our 2023 Swimming Carnival. Students participated with great enthusiasm and a keen competitive spirit in a variety of race and novelty events. I congratulate Delphinus on taking out the House Swimming Shield and Phoenix the Shield for House Spirit. I extend my appreciation to our students for their participation and attendance on the day and thank Sports Co-Ordinator, Mr Alexander, the PE staff and all staff on a very professionally run carnival.
Last week our Year 7 Students enjoyed a wonderful three days at Adanac Camp near Yarra Junction. The students participated in a number of activities including archery, kayaking, volley ball and rock climbing amongst other activities in this beautiful bush setting. I thank the teaching staff led by
camp organiser, Ms Angelique Phillip-Kemp, who made these three days a brilliant start to the year for our students.
The annual St Valentine's Day fundraising was a great success. One of the signs of getting back to normal in our school community is the buzz of fundraising in the central courtyard. Each House were involved in fundraising for Caritas through the selling of flowers and chocolates. The proceeds of $265 will go towards Caritas, the Catholic Organisation who work alongside the most vulnerable in our society whose lack of power often sees them sidelined in the decision making that impacts their lives. Caritas will also be the focus of our fundraising later this term when we begin Project Compassion on Ash Wednesday. I thank Ms Kintzel and Ms Edwards, all the House Leaders and student leaders for initiating our fundraising efforts this year.
The St John’s Football Program has entered its second year of operation in partnership with Football Technique Australia and Dandenong City Soccer Club. This year the program has extended the pathway for our students from Years 7 – 12 to include our Certificate 2 in Vet Sport and Recreation. Students enrolled in the Football program will receive multiple training sessions per week including strength and conditioning, on field training and in the classroom learning. Under the leadership of Ljuban Palinic, the Director of Football Technique Australia, and Football Director of Dandenong SC and Staff Member, Ms Ash Fraraccio, we are very excited about the pathways this program will provide our students into a range of careers in the sporting industry. Families interested in joining the soccer program can read more about the program on the link below or contact Ms Ash Fraraccio at the College.
In 2021 the Board of the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS), our governing body, has established a School Advisory Council to support the Principal, Parish Priest and leadership team of the school.
We are seeking interested members of our community to join the St John’s Regional College Advisory Council chaired by Mr Tony Biviano in 2023 . While no expertise is required, the school seeks a range of diverse skills to best advise the Principal, united by a desire to provide the best possible education for our students. Some of the ongoing areas of business that members of the School Advisory Council are involved with include :
A balanced membership with parent voice on the School Advisory Council is well placed to advise the Principal about important matters particularly related to the school’s mission and the students’ successes.
The needs of the council will be given priority in terms of ensuring a balance of gender, cultural diversity and skill sets. If you would like further information about our School Advisory Council go to the relevant section on our website at
As we begin the school year, we are calling on you to express your interest in being part of the School Advisory Council. If you are a member of the parish or have children in the school and wish to be part of this important advisory role in our school, we would welcome your application in writing to Tim Hogan, Principal of St John’s Regional College, by Friday the 3 March. Email applications can be sent to
We express our condolences to staff member Ms Ursula Borg, whose father, Joseph John Borg, passed away last week after a short battle with illness . We pray for Ms Borg and her family at this sad time .
We pray:
Eternal Rest grant unto him O Lord and may perpetual light shine on him. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Master of the Universe, hear our prayers, we make them in confidence forever and ever.