Cavendish PS was lucky enough to have have visit from Coach Laura from Hockey Victoria on Thursday. Everybody loved it!


Sybil Yr F- "I liked the dribbling and the coach was really nice."

Max Yr F - "I learnt how to run with the ball."

Aria Yr 1-"I liked the games."

Billie Yr 1 - "I loved playing Octopussy."

Hunter Yr 2 - "I learned how to hold the hockey stick."


Addison Yr 6 - Hockey was fun, we learnt new skills."

Cooper Yr 4 - " I learnt how to dribble."

Darcy Yr 6 - "I loved how nice the instuctor, Laura was."

Mietta Yr 5 - "I loved the games."

Ava Yr 4- "It was AMAZING and I learnt a lot of new skills."


Interviewed by Holly and Hughie Yr 6