ROCK: A New Yard Agreement

What you see above is the legacy of the 2019 JSRC and the whole school-wide implementation this year of ‘At NMPS we R.O.C.K.’

This is now visible in all learning areas and around the school. We hope you will discuss this with your family and start seeing how much we all R.O.C.K in the yard.

How this new policy came about

Last year, through work with both staff and students it became evident that behaviour in the yard was something that we all wanted to work on and understand more.


Staff undertook an activity suggested by Bill Rogers, education and behaviour consultant, where a school map was used along with a series of questions to figure out how students were feeling about different areas of our school as well as what behaviours they wanted to see in the yard.


Then our Junior Student Represenative Council (JSRC) took on the task of surveying students in the yard about rules and meeting regularly as a group under the wonderful guidance of staff member, Jane Leighton to plan and effectively implement a yard duty agreement that was easy to follow and understand so we are all safe and happy in the yard.


Watch this space for more ‘We R.OC.K.’ related news from our new JSRC.