Principal's Report

From Christian's desk....

Principals in the Classroom 

Over the last fortnight Assistant Principals, Carol Wyatt and Amy Prior have joined with members of the Leadership team and me to complete Learning Walks.  During our walks we have focused on our Annual Implementation Plan goal of consistent classroom artefacts.  Research suggests that in-school variation is greater than school to school variation.  Our reflections have celebrated that classes each have: 

·        Co-created classroom agreements 

·        Numeracy vocabulary walls 

·        Reading nooks 

·        Positive Education displays including the character strengths. 

Over the term our staff will be looking to actively engage our students In their classroom, fostering interaction with classroom displays and work samples. 

Update on Mia Sartori

As many of our community members have noted, our Student Wellbeing Officer, Mia Sartori, has had an extended period of absence.  With Mia’s permission I would like to share an update with you all.

As a result of a respiratory illness, Mia was admitted into hospital in September last year.  She remained in hospital, having a double lung transplant on December 28.  Following the ten hour surgery she was taken to the Intensive Care Unit where she remained until last week.  Mia is now looking forward to going home in the coming month.  Following an extended rehabilitation period, Mia hopes to return to Croydon Hills Primary School and once again continue to work with the children and families for whom she cares so much.

We continue to wish Mia well in her recovery and appreciate the work Julie Reid and Cheyenne Mason are doing in her absence.

Vegetable Garden – Farewell Pat

Over the summer break our longstanding groundsman Pat Formston informed the school that he would be retiring (sort of!).  Pat and his wife are active in their own work tending to and maintaining their Stayz properties.  Pat was a tremendous contributor to our community over a number of years, caring for and having a positive impact on the lives of many students, some with challenging needs and family backgrounds.  Over the last decade Pat has made the Croydon Hills Farm his own and can very proudly reflect on the cultural legacy he has left at the school.  Watch this space for an update on our school’s recognition of Pat and his CHPS Farm!

As a result of Pat’s retirement, I am calling for expressions of interest from volunteers to work with teacher Ben Burch, groundsman Kim McCallum-Howell and our student Eco-Leaders to maintain our Farm.  We would like volunteers to be rostered on to cover the course of the week at either 11:30am – 12:10pm, or 2:00 – 2:40pm.  This opportunity would be ideal for community members, local retirees or those who have a passion for the outdoors (current Working With Children Check required).  If you are interested please email

Enhanced communication and website 

Over the last fortnight a small team of staff have worked together to re-image our website. Our next step is to update some of the site content and activate the Community Calendar.  I’m sure you’ll agree the contemporary design looks impressive.  

School Fair 

Yesterday I published the School Fair Newsletter.  Keep an eye out for it as it comes home today in hardcopy.  I encourage families to take advantage of the discounted ride passes, sign up as stall volunteers and support the fundraising team by seeking donations from employers.  


Outside School Hours Care News 

Did you know our OSHC circulates a weekly update?  To celebrate and share the great program that Debbie, Mandy, Kim and the team deliver, we will be including their news in our newsletter.  Please view their page. 

School Captains' Lunch

Each Monday the School Captains and I sit down for lunch to discuss the school, consider improvements and plan for Assembly.  It was great to hear our 2020 leaders’ perspectives and some of the fresh perspectives they are bringing. 


Reminder:  Parent consultation Monday March 2nd,  7:00pm 

Last night School Council members were consulted and asked to provide feedback on school performance via the FISO Continua of Practice. A reminder that any interested party is welcome to support our Pre School Review Self Evaluation by attending parent consultation session Monday 2 March, 7:00pm in the staffroom.

Assembly tomorrow 2:30pm 

A reminder that our Year 6 Captains and Junior School Councillors are receiving their badges at our Celebration Assembly tomorrow.

Local Federal MP, Michael Sukkar will be in attendance.  Together we will also be announcing details of a Government Grant that the school is receiving. 

Christian Holdsworth  -  Principal