Year 7 Meet & Greet Evening

Year 7 Meet and Greet Night
The Year 7 Meet and Greet Night was held on Tuesday 27th February. A number of parents and students attended both the BBQ and the Music Information Night. Thanks to the staff that assisted and gave their time to get to know the Year 7 Students.
As the School Captains Josh, Baneen, Deniz and Audrey expressed, "Whilst Year 7 can be daunting, it is both a very exciting and busy year. For you, it marks the beginning of your high school journey and for us the end. Your time here at Cobram Secondary College will fly, but rest assured students and parents alike the Cobram Secondary College community is here for you and know that we are always approachable."
The Captains reminded the students of the importance in building working relationships in Year 7.
The Year 7 camp to Howman's Gap is also coming up soon and it is an amazing opportunity to mingle and create relationships with other people in your year and participate in fun activities. Going into Year 7 can be quite stressful, with different friendship groups being formed, being in a completely different environment and having more than one teacher and more than one classroom. Not only that but you are also transitioning into your teenage years. Still, Year 7 is just the beginning of your journey into adulthood where you will begin to learn how to be independent and in charge of your life.
Compass info session at the meet and greet night!
The Technology Team provided a space for students and parents to further understand the capabilities of Compass. The Tech Support Team were able to assist with Log In’s, computer specifications, Compass App usage and a number of How to’s:
- Access past school reports
- Communicate with the teacher
- Access progressive reporting results
- Track absences and late arrivals
- Access the school calendar and other resources.
The Tech Team continue to be available at the school if you would like to find out what Compass can assist you with in ensuring you are aware of your child’s educational journey. Deniz expressed in his welcome speech… both Compass and email are central to your educational experience here at Cobram, providing information about classes, tasks and assessments. Parents, you can also check how your children are travelling with their positive behaviour in school and you can also access your child’s school reports. Compass can also be used by both parents and children to communicate with teachers. The Compass homepage serves as a place where upcoming events and classes are displayed and a planner where you can make notes and is vital that you take advantage of these resources in your studies at this college.
Student Reflections about the night:
Serena Keech
My favourite part of the night was getting to see all my friends and learn about the band. Watching the group perform was really interesting and it helped me make a decision to join the band.
I have chosen to play the clarinet because I thought it would be fun to learn, and Amelia played it beautifully. She encouraged me to play with how well she performed. It was good for the parents to meet teachers, learn more about Compass and the band. My parents liked the performance and were able to watch my older brother in the band as well. I look forward to playing my first performance in the band in the middle of the year.
Karleisha Bramwell
My favourite part of the night was being able to see my friends out of school hours. We hung out, chatted and ate good sausages. I already have an Alto Saxaphone at home and will join the band playing this instrument. My favourite performance by a band member was Mathilda, who played the Flute. She is also the band leader and spoke really well. I am looking forward to getting use to performing in a group, getting to know other band members and going on tour!