Senior School

Student Profile- Ruby Sproules
What year level are you currently studying?
Year 10
What is your favourite subject at school?
What is the best book you have read in Illuminate?
Jessica by Bryce Courtenay
What is your best memory of your time at Cobram SC ?
2018 Rubicon Advance camp!
What do you enjoy doing during recess and lunch times?
Laughing with friends
What is the best item you can buy from the school canteen?
Chicken Twisters
What is your dream job when you leave school?
Year 10 Work Experience- Congratulations to Hayley Geisler
I’m currently doing Year 10 Industry and Enterprise and as a part of the course we need to do a work placement. I’m interested in a future career in forensic science so I went to Google and started to search for opportunities in that field. I came across the chance to apply for a work placement in Sydney, so in the last week of the school holidays I’ll be traveling to the University of Technology to complete my work placement there. Spending each day in a different fields of science I’ll be learning and observing the practices that take place there. I’m looking forward to going and seeing the university and to have the chance to explore the career I’m looking into pursuing in the future.
Study Tips
Year 12 Parent Information Night
Thank you to everyone who attended the Year 12 Parent Information Evening on Thursday 1st March. We received a lot of positive comments from parents and students about the evening in regards to the presentations.
With many students and parents in attendance, it was rewarding for the staff who presented subject information and who attended the evening to meet so many of our Year 12 student’s families.
If you have any further questions or would like more information please don’t hesitate to contact myself or Year 12 Level Manager Randall Jones.
Thankyou again for your support.
Lauren Scott
Senior School Leading Teacher
Out Of Uniform Day
On Thursday 15th March our Year 12's held an out of uniform day for the whole school with all money raised going towards their valedictory dinner at the end of the year.
With St Patrick's Day just around the corner the theme "GREEN" was very apt!