
Cobram Barooga RSL Writing Competition
The Cobram Barooga RSL Writing Competition is open to all secondary students, currently studying Years 9 & 10, living in the 3644 postcode.
The Essay theme:
The contribution of women who provided service at home in Australia, or overseas during World War II. Some suggestions could be: Nurses here and abroad, Ammunition factories, Australian Women's Land Army, Transport and McIntyre Airfield at Tocumwal.
Word Limit:
Up to 1,500 words
1st Prize: $200.00 plus an inscribed book
2nd Prize: $150.00 plus an inscribed book
3rd Prize: $100 plus an inscribed book
Please see Mrs Jones, in the library, for further information and entry forms.
Closing Date:
23rd March, 2018
2018 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS)
Cobram Secondary College is proud to offer our students the opportunity to participate in the following ICAS assessments:
Every student entering ICAS receives a certificate acknowledging participation. Students are eligible for awards including High Distinction, Distinction, Credit, and Merit.
Students with the top score in each subject in each year level are awarded a medal and a medal winner's certificate.
Over one million student entries are accepted from over 6,300 schools in Australia and New Zealand annually. In addition, students from over 20 countries including Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa and the USA participate in ICAS each year.
ATAR bonus points
Medal winning students in their final two years of schooling also qualify for a bonus Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) Point which can be used toward undergraduate degree programs at the University of New South Wales.
All assessments will be carried out at CSC under teacher supervision.
If students are interested please collect registration forms from the main office or contact Mrs. Jane Grenfell on 587 11700.
Active April
The Premier’s Active April is part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to promote healthy and active lifestyles and get Victorians to join in the fun of increased physical activity. Last year we had more than 112,000 Victorians participate and enjoy the benefits that come from increased physical activity.
Registrations are open to all Victorian residents and there are terrific incentives for people of all ages to participate.
Sun Country Food and Wine Festival
16th-25th March
The 2018 festival will see the Sun Country on the Murray region come alive with a range of unique events. Twilight tours, taste tantalising picnic hampers, autumn grazers, the region’s best chefs creating degustation spectaculars.
Click the link for more information:
Create Confident Kids Book Launch & Health Talk
Photography Competition
‘Pic of the Crop’ Photography Competition
For photographers 18 years and under
Your ‘take’ on growing and eating healthy local food
$400 in prize money
* Primary (10 and under) $50
* Junior (11 – 13yo) $50
* Intermediate (14 – 15yo) $50
* Senior (16 – 18yo) $50
* Overall 1st prize – $100
* People’s Choice prize – $100
Entries close on March 23, 2018 Exhibition dates and times – 9 am to 5 pm Mon to Fri 9 April – 1 June 2018 With the Exhibition Launch and winners awarded – 6 pm Tue 24 April 2018 For more information check out:
School Crossing Supervisor of the Year Awards
Every two years, School Crossings Victoria, holds an awards night to honour the dedication and hard work put into the Community by School Crossing Supervisors from all over the state. It is that time again where we ask all schools to promote the award and ask the school community to nominate the supervisor they feel is worthy of being recognised, and may even be judged Victoria’s School Crossing Supervisor of the Year. What an honour that title will be for one of our dedicated supervisors.
The 2015/2016 award night was held in Preston in 2016 with the winner being Robyn Sabljak from Murrindindi Shire Council. The night itself, was wonderful, 250 attended with over 700 nominations received, and there was a lot of pride in the room.
Please find below the nomination form.
Nominations close on May 25, 2018.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dreena Lawrence-Gray (Chairperson) on 0490 017 340.