Principals' Report

From Acting Principal, Kimberley Tempest
Dear students, staff, parents and friends of Cobram Secondary College,
Welcome to our third school newsletter of 2018 which again, highlights the opportunities on offer and the achievements of our talented students.
I enjoyed meeting parents at our extremely popular Year 7 Family BBQ Night and Music Information evening. It was great to welcome many of our new families to the College and we look forward to a long and successful partnership with you.
School Council
I am also pleased to announce 2 x new parent members to the school council
- Stuart Redman
- Cheryl Sproules
I would like to thank both Claire Grinter and Kate Nuttall for their time on the council. Your contributions are appreciated.
I am pleased to announce 2 x new staff members to the school council
- Emma McCracken
- Adrian Zonneveldt
I would like to take this opportunity to thank both Justin McLaren and Kate Bird for their time on the council.
Expectations of students
At the start of the school year we have been working with students to establish some high expectations for student life at the College. These expectations relate to student learning, student behaviours and student interactions within the College. As a school we would greatly appreciate your support as parents in regard to the following:
- Being prepared to learn – One of the best things that our students can do each day is come to class prepared and ready to learn. The first element of this is arriving on time and the second component is making sure that they have all the required materials ready to learn. Please support your son or daughter to be ready to learn by encouraging their punctuality and ensuring they have all the required materials for school each day.
- Sunsmart – The facts about damaging UV rays are well known and supported by a wealth of research and evidence. We don’t want your son or daughter to experience the dangerous side effects of prolonged exposure to damaging UV rays and as such ask that each student has a broad brimmed hat for school each day. Hats are available from the College and in an effort to make this an easy one for all students, any type of broad brimmed hat is acceptable.
Student Attendance
One of our aims as a College is to ensure that we support each student to make the most of their time with us. The easiest way to achieve this is by ensuring our students are attending school regularly. Our aim in 2018 is for each student in the school to have a minimum attendance rate of 90%. Parents will be supported with this through regular communication regarding students absences. Please support us by ensuring that your son or daughter is at school every day, unless of course they are unwell and unable to attend. Data from across the state shows that on average a secondary school student has 17 days absent each year, so it is definitely not out of reach for us to achieve a 90% attendance rate.
Remember, we have a range of staff at the College to support students and parents with attendance, so please do not hesitate in contacting us if regular school attendance is an issue for your family.
Student Achievements
Did you know that each week we see hundreds of fantastic achievements from your children? We know that secondary school students do not always come home and share the great things so have asked the teaching staff to share student achievements and activities through our Facebook page.
Parent Teacher Meetings
Weds 28th March from 4-7pm and Thursday 29th March 9am-12 noon
Please make bookings through COMPASS to catch up with your child’s teacher.