From staff and the Office 

please contact 9876 3289 if you have any questions

Term 4 is a Sunsmart term

Just a reminder that Term 4 is a Sunsmart Term and hats need to be worn outside for play and lessons.

PLEASE name your hats. We do not have spares, and we do not share hats. 

Students must wear their own, wide-brimmed hat or stay undercover.

Marking attendance


Q. Why do I need to enter a time of departure or absence when I have told or emailed the teacher?

A. It is a parent's responsibility to provide a reason for why their child is absent. You can use the option 'parent choice' if you do wish to specify the reason. A teacher may be absent or have other duties on that day. An email to the teacher is great, but please enter it in Compass we well.

DET Scholarships

Scholarships are payments to help you with the cost of your child's education.

They're generally offered based on:

  • financial need or difficulties
  • your child's school results
  • school and community activities your child takes part in.

Most scholarships that DET offer are for Victorian government school students. A small number are also open to non-government school students.

For more information including how to apply please go to this link:

Please note: applications for future scholarships open again on 20th September 2021 and usually close early in the following year. Closing dates are strictly enforced.


Joke of the week

From AJ, Willow and Amelia


Who is the leader of the classroom?

The ruler


Why didn't the skeleton go to the party?

Because he had nobody to go with.


Name the dog winner announced



I have a winner for the Name the Dog competition! 


Thank you to everyone who voted to name the sickbay dog! It was wonderful to see so many creative and clever answers. Now onto the winner…drum roll, please!


The winner is Mikayla H, 3B! Well done Mikayla!


Mikayla has named the dog Bailey (because he lives up in the Sick Bay)!


Thank you, everyone! Next time you’re up at the Sick Bay make sure you say hi to Bailey.



2022 Transition

Transition is coming for our new Foundation students


Transition mornings are planned for Term 4. Details will be made available as soon as we know about Department of Education regulations regarding onsite schooling. Please keep an eye on your emails for further information


Tips from the office for getting ready for school:  

  • Practise tying shoelaces or doing up shoes. Also practise taking shoes, jumpers and hats on and off.
  • Practise opening their own drink bottle and snacks. Be able to recognise their own drink bottle and food containers (make sure everything is named!)