Pupil of the week, 

Week 8 Term 3

Watch us shine

Congratulations to the students of Kalinda who demonstrate our School Values of Kindness, Resilience and Respect; and have been awarded a Pupil of the Week this fortnight. Teachers will choose how to present these remotely.





Term 3

8 September 2021

FDMarco C (and Yune) - For the fantastic work you are doing in remote learning and your concentration in every WebEx. Keep up the great work!

Laura N - For her fabulous weekend recount writing. Keep up the great work Laura.

Isla M - For her dedication to learning her Hot Words. Well done Isla!


Patrick.B - For the fantastic work you are doing in remote learning and even uploading your own work! Well done!

John G . For the fantastic work you are doing in remote learning and participating in our Webex. Well done


Brock H - For always trying your personal best and doing an amazing job in Maths! 

Amelia V - For your dedication and persistence in learning your Hot Words. Great work Amelia! 


Parker R - For always trying his hardest in our Webex lessons.  Great job, Parker.

Kent W - For carefully researching facts for his information report on Gems. 

1RAll of 1R - For being an incredibly resilient, respectful, kind and all round amazing class! Mrs Ruggeri couldn’t be more proud of you all. She will miss you a lot while she is at home with her baby next term but never fear… she will be back!

Eli N - For his actively participating in discussions during our class webex lessons. 

Michael T - For striving hard to construct, edit and publish his persuasive writing speech. 


Bonnie H: For always putting in extra effort and presenting beautiful work. I am very impressed with your Remote Learning Portfolio. 

Jack D: For making great progress with his writing while completing onsite learning. Well done Jack! 


Lara S: For the fabulous effort she has been putting into her writing each week. We are very proud of you!

Mikayla S: For the wonderful work that she has been uploading to her portfolio.

3HYumiao F - for helping Ms D’Amico during your Maths lesson by sharing your screen for her. What a superstar you are!!

Matrix. P - For all his work displayed in his portfolio during remote learning in Term 3 and making his work presentable and a pleasure to read.

Imogen. K -  For all her work displayed in her portfolio during remote learning in Term 3 and making her work presentable and a pleasure to read.


Tate.D- For his hard work during Webex meetings.

Claire.H- For her wonderful contributions during Webex meetings. 


Maddy D - For sharing her descriptive volcano poetry confidently with the class.

Owen T - For all your hard work and effort during remote learning. You have uploaded a collection of fabulous work every week! 


Ben W- For attending all of our webex sessions and being a strong contributor to our discussions.

Keira E - for engaging with every class webex and putting in 100% effort with all her work! Keep it up, you are an inspiration!


Charlie- For continuing to show resilience during remote learning and staying motivated to produce his personal best work.

Emin- For putting in a massive effort with his remote learning! Your writing and maths last week were proof of the amazing things you are able to achieve!


Aiden B - For being the leader of his own learning! It is great to see you working hard to progress your knowledge of the division algorithm. 

Cooper B - For being dynamite at  division. You have successfully mastered your division facts - Way to go!


Lucy B- For the fabulous improvement in your handwriting and the set out of your work. You have really been working hard. Keep up the great work!

Emily L- For your positivity and incredible work ethic.  You are at every WebEx and always complete every task to an excellent standard. Emily, you really are in charge of your own learning!

Abigail - For being an excellent example of how to take control of your own learning and make the very best of every opportunity. You are at every WebEx and always complete every task to an excellent standard.

Visual ArtsPatrick H - for the enthusiasm and extra effort you put into the weaving activity.
PETilly S from 2AW - for consistently completing the online PE activities with great effort and enthusiasm, and for showing great persistence and determination in the gymnastics points challenge. 
JapaneseAshly K 4D - for your amazing intonation and extra effort into “My favourite Paralympic sports” speaking task.